Chapter Eight

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Alright most tensed moment of my life .🤔🤔🤔
   I Guess it was one of those times i had to go check for my school result online ..
"I know right " Results do get me tensed .
My palms gets all sweaty and my stomach rumbles and it feels like there is a cooking pee within .
  "But hey guess wah"
I no longer feel that way. "It the adult girls thing 😉"


Loretta struggled really hard to keep hidden the surprise that embrace her as she courageously walked into the compound with Cynthia right behind her.
    "Ding..dong" The door bell cried as she softly placed her finger against it

"It open" a voice responded from within

"Come on right in "

Cynthia gave her a "go ahead" ahead nod, as she gently pushed opened the door .
  She was bewildered. The room had a peculiar smell that reminded her of her Grandpa, Tho she hadn't met him but his room probably did smelled  of him. It smelled like the cedar of the pine family. Grandpa was a big fan of its wood .

"Welcome Miss Loretta" A man walked up to them and gave his hand for a welcome shake

"Thanks ..." She received his hand   trying to figure out his name.
It seemed like brain was going to disappoint her, She could swear with her mother that she so the name ,she really did .It was the first thing that appeared before she sent an Email containing every required information of her including her pictures. Reason why he recognised her .
  "Bingo" she snapped to herself
".....Mr Johnsons"  She finally let go of his palm
  Mr Johnson  stole a glance from Cynthia

"Oh, Forgive my manner" Loretta smiled

"She's Cynthia. My sister"
Cynthia jingled her middle fingers and gave out a bright smile

" welcome ladies" He led then to the couch

"You can have you sit" he offered

"Please do feel comfortable" he added and pleaded to be excused .

Loretta admired the house while keeping in mind strictly the need to avoid acting lowly . They had four large couch to cover up the centre part of the living room. Just behind her was a large transparent glass dinning table which she considered too fragile to be there. The floor was neatly tile with shiniest tile she had ever seen the reflection of the bulb light made it glow the more. There was an almost a glass stair that obviously led to another part of the house, just opposite where she was positioned .

"They've been married for seven years". Cynthia whispered

Loretta rolled her eye to the frames  on the wall . The first was the family's wedding photo. The lady looked sweet and curvy in her handless wedding dress. There was a daring love in her eyes as she pierced them into her husband's. The husband appeared younger, with his stylish hair cut that gave him the look of a fearless hero .

"They must have married as love birds" sh thought .
  Next was the Anniversary certificate

"Oh, she gasped "
" It really has been a courageous fight. Seven years without  a child..."

"fifteen years my dear" a lady corrected

she was in her middle forties, she looked more of pale and sick than healthy woman  .Cynthia and Loretta watched as she slowly approached the couch with her husbands help

"Loretta, and her sister Cynthia" Mr Johnsons introduced pointing to the ladies

The ladies gave a soft bow  responding to her greetings

"She is the one that has indicated interest"

"oh dear" The lady began
" we've spent two years searching for someone to mother our child. I would have loved to .."  she gave a painful smile
" But the the doctors said i cant. you know what that means right ?"

" I was glad when we were told we could do it this way..I didn't want to adopt .That's becomes i need a child that will have my husband's charming blue eyes, My glowing smile and every other phenotype that belongs to us and also the Genotype "  She shrugged

" Like you rightly said ..It has been very courageous. Watching my friends take their kids to the fair,taking them for shopping ,having to attend the parent day at school and having someone to yell at" ..

" sometimes it feels so lonely. when my husband is gone for a business trip and i get a day off work .it makes me sick "

" You will be restoring the lost joy of a sacred union by doing this. "

She smiled again. The smile appeared powerless and dead on her face. Sadness had found a better home in her and has .....

"Are you sure you want to do this,Not putting into consideration the financial benefit but considering the health changes you will be facing "

Loretta nodded in affirmation. Its not like she cared about the health risk ..pregnancy doesn't kills.  What mattered as a matter of fact was the money involved. She needed more than those who had it .

"Thanks, Miss Loretta, for coming to our rescue ". Mr Johnsons chipped in

"This is the agreement and conditions from the court. Signing this will confirm your full readiness" He pushed an envelope to her .

Loretta gently unsealed the envelope as she looked at the couple at interval

  She was to confirm that her decision was of a free will, with no form of threat involve. It was also stated that the couple will put in their best effort to take care of her, but they wouldn't be held responsible for any inevitable loss. Which could also include her life .
"I am not scared of death" she coughed out the thought of dying at labour

"Its better than being a living corpse"

She raised her eyebrow as she caught sight of the what interested her the most .
  The couple would take care of all medical bills during the period of pregnancy, and will support her daily feeding and other needs with a monthly allowance and finally her fee will be handed to her right after the delivery
  She had no objection to the conditions what matters was the satisfaction the price gave her. She quietly gave her signature and returned the paper

"We have a deal" Mr and Mrs Johnsons

     "That's  awesome" He collected the envelope and shook hands with her.

"See  you tomorrow by nine at the cedarcrest hospitals,Miss Loretta" Mrs Johnsons said as she waved them goodbye .

Quick question
Have you ever been so much in need of something that you shoved away all fears, and went for it despite being aware of the risk ? 

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