Chapter 23: Surgery day

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The day was finally here. Yesterday I had won my best friend back. Remington was coming back tomorrow and everything was actually okay for the first time in a week.

"Knock, knock."

"Hey mom."

"Hi baby. How are you feeling?" She asked softly.


"I'll be here waiting for you. Everything will be okay. One step for you to get better."

"What if something goes wrong? What if they have to amputate my leg because they cut something wrong? What if-"

"BECKETT!" She shouted, "All calmness and breathing meditations would really help you right now." She breathed in and out.

"Can I come in?" Said Evangeline peeking her head through the door.

"Evangeline!" My mom turned around and gave her a hug. "It's great to see you."

"Yeah, came to support my friend."

"Well your 'friend' is completely freaking out. He keeps thinking something is going to go wrong." Whispered my mom to Evangeline.

Evangeline looked at me with a smirk. I still couldn't help something going wrong. I was overthinking way too much. My mom wasn't helping by telling Evangeline how I was being. Mothers.

"Well I am going to go speak to Doctor Raja before everything happens. I'll be back soon." My mom walks out the door.

"One to ten?" Asked Evangeline.

"A million."

"That nervous?" She sat in the chair next to my bed.

"Have you ever been in surgery?" I asked her. She let out a heavy sigh and thought for a solid ten seconds.

"I broke my wrist on a holiday when I was visiting my grandparents. The made a deal with me that if I took out rubbish bin she would buy me a bag of crisps. So I walked outside with pride and I slipped on the frozen, icy floor landing on my wrist and breaking it." She smiled.

"And then what?"

"Well, I knocked myself out. Woke up in the hospital with a pink cast. Fortunately, my dad had just been given a large sum of money and was able to pay for the surgery in full as well as my cast."

"Did you remember anything? Did you feel anything? Like them cutting-"

"Beckett, you are literally overdramatic. No I did not feel a thing. I turned out okay. Now look my wrist, good as new." She moved her wrist in a circular motion.

I smiled at her but it did help me calm down. Evangeline tried to cheer me up by making laugh. She would tell me stories about her and her dad when she was younger. She also mentioned her mom once but never brought her up again.

Doctor Raja came into the room and began telling me that I was ready. My heart began racing over and over.

"Don't forget your breathe Beckett!" Shouted Evie.

"I'll be waiting, darling!" My mom let go of my hand.

They got me ready and put all sorts of fluids in my body. Slowly but surely, I was fading away. Everything was slowly turning black. Like when you close your eyes slowly and it turns black in the movies. That's what was happening to me. I was going to sleep for a couple of hours.

I woke up in pain. My first surgery was successful. Unfortunately, I was in bed rest for the rest of the day. I couldn't walk over to Evie, she had to come to me this time. David visited me, along with my mom, dad and younger brothers. Remington was still away. She was coming back in a day or so. Hopefully a day.

"Do you want watch a film?" Asked Evangeline.

"Depends. What kind?"

"Well I only brought two movie from home that you can pick from. Take your pick."

"Love actually and 28 weeks later?" I questioned.

"Hey! They're my favorite."

"One horror and one romantic. Classic. 28."

"Got it!" She stood up and put the dvd in the Xbox and came back to lay next to me. I can tell she had stayed up for while because ten minutes into the movie and she was asleep. Her head was on my shoulder and her jacket was covering my arm. Her beanie made all of her hair go in her face. But she was tired. I didn't want to move.

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