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... 3rd person POV ... It was Saturday night, all the boys were invited to Pinto's house. He was hosting an end of the year party. All the boys were excited, they knew this would be a very fun party. Kairi got ready at Mattia's house, since he slept over at his house. The rest of the goons were at Alejandro's house getting ready.
"Fuck I have no idea what I'm gonna wear", Mattia said as he skimmed through his closet.
"Don't worry bebe I already picked out your clothes", Kairi added while giving the tall boy a peck on the lips.
"That's why I love you bubs thank you", the tall boy exclaimed.
He grabbed the clothes and changed in the bathroom. Mattia looked at himself, he was wearing a grey turtle neck and a burgundy suit. He used his iconic cross necklace and rings.
*whistles*"Okay bubba I see you", Kai said clearly hyping up his man.
Mattia went to where kairi was and hugged him. Not just a quick hug but a meaningful hug. Their body's embraced, they became one. They detached from eachother. His beautiful boy was wearing a black turtle neck and black pants. Mattia knew that Kai could pull off any outfit. But Mattia loved when he wore dark colors. It exposed his skin and his pretty figure.
"You're going to make me crazy bebe", Mattia added while he caressed Kairi's cheek.
——time skip————
(Alejandro's house) ... Kairi's POV ...
"You ready goons!!", yelled Mattia as he barged into Alejandro's house.
Everybody was all dressed up and looking good. The whole crew was ready, we took three cars. In Mattia's car was Mattia, Kairi, Alvaro and Roshaun. In Alejandro's car was Ale, Robert, Vic and Taylor. Lastly in Waseem's car was Waseem, Mateo, Mariano and Sammy.
We all headed to Pinto's house. Meanwhile we all listened to Lil Uzi's album. Pinto didn't live that far from Ale. It was a short ride, when we got there it was 7:00pm. His parents were out of town, it was probably going to end till 4am; how it always did. When we arrived, we were greeted by the scent of alcohol and weed. Everyone went their own ways, Mattia dragged me straight to the drinks.
"No Matti remember I'm the designated driver I can't drink stupid", I said over the loud music.
"C'mon just one for me pwease", Mattia's said as he gave Kai his famous puppy dog eyes.
"Fine Polibio", kairi groaned as he took the shot.
It was strong, he felt the burning sensation travel from his tongue to his throat then finally stomach.
After a couple of hours at the party, Mattia got wild. He pulled me into the dance floor and grinded all up on me. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. Pinto had a karaoke set up in his living room. Anyone that wanted could just go up and sing.
"Bubba imma do it", mattia slurred his words.
"What?" I asked.
He didn't give me an answer he just went up there. He was singing no idea by Don Toliver, of course. The different color lights moved all of over his body. He looked amazing up there, truly beautiful.
This man got so fucked up he couldn't even walk.
"Hey guys I think I'm gonna head out with Mattia", I said to my friends while holding a drunk Mattia.
"Yeah you should go, he was in the bathroom for a long ass time I though manz died on the floor", Alejandro said while laughing.
I dragged Mattia out, and put him inside of the car. I buckled him in and left the party.
"Bubba give me a kiss pweaseeee", Mattia whined. The thing about this man was that when he was drunk, he was such a baby. In that state of mind, Mattia was extremely clingy.
"Not now babe I'm driving, I'll give you all the kisses you want when we get home", I said.
"You don't love me anymore that's why you're not giving me kisses", Mattia pouted.
———time skip———-
(At Mattia's house)
... 3rd person POV ...
The wasian got the Italian out of his car. The small boy carried Mattia up to his room. Although Kairi might look weak, he wasn't. Kairi undressed Mattia and put some comfortable clothes on him. The beautiful boy did his skin routine in the Italians bathroom. When he came back Mattia was already deep into his sleep.
"I love you bubba", Kairi said as he stared at his boyfriends perfect, god like features.