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Harry Potter (Au)
tessomancy: the art of reading tea leaves to predict events in the future.
taught by: professor Trelawney
the boys were in their third year, this class was part of the divination lessons. alvaro and kairi were better in this class than in snapes'. professor trelawney was much wittier than snape, a bit crazy too. she greeted our class and began the lesson.
"good morning class, today we'll star our new lesson" she said cheerfully.
"man she's mental isn't she" alvaro whispered to kairi.
"yeah, but i kind of like her; she's wayy better than snape" the wasian boy answered with a following chuckle.
as all the students gathered their books, notebooks and pencils; the professor proceeded to explain what they were going to practice today in class.
"i will be passing around these tea cups, when you see a figure or symbol start to assemble; give it to the person opposite of you so they could share what you got, and vise versa" she explained cheerily.
professsor trelawney came by kairi and alvaro, she handed them their cups. the wasian boy observed the bottom of his cup. it started to form into a symbol magically. to his luck the person opposite of him was indeed slytherin mattia polibio.
the boys exchanged cheeky looks, almost undressing each other with their eyes. mattia took kairi's cup while gently touching his hand a bit. they exchanged cups and smiled at each other, then turning back.
"YOU!" professor trelawney exclaimed while pointing at mattia.
"what do you see in his cup" she continued as she waited for mattia to answer her.
mattia observed kairi's cup thoroughly, his eyes darted all over the surface.
"well, it looks like the symbol of venus, so romance?" mattia questioned which was followed with a smile.
"and what do you see in his dear?" she asked the gryffindor boy.
"umm it looks like a heart, that means...love" kairi stuttered a bit but finished his sentence.
the professor shared with them a big smile as she claimed "it seems you will both be in each other's future for a long time".
the slytherin boy looked back at the gryffindor boy and gave him a wink. mattia's flirtatious acts made kairi get a million of butterflies. the same butterflies he got yesterday, when they met outside in the hall after potions class.
- yesterday-after potion class -
"shit he wants to meet outside when class is over, do i go" kairi told alvaro as he was almost jumpng up and down from excitement.
"are you sure, he's a slytherin; basically has picked on us ever since we arrived to hogwarts" alvaro explained.
"alvarito i know he has been rude but i really like him, i feel like i can change the way he is" the boy stated.
"well just because you're my friend, yes go get your slytherin man" the hispanic boy laughed as his friend got up imediately and left.
the short boy speed-walked to the classroom door, he made it outside and saw him waiting. he was tall, had raven black hair, olive skin-tone and he wore his house color with much pride. mattia turned around and smiled at the short boy, the energy between them was strong; the connection has been unfolded.
"i thought you weren't going to come gryffindor" mattia smirked as he looked at kairi up and down .
"well i'm here aren't i? what did you need to tell me?" he fought back confidently.
"you know why i always picked on you? i am so enfactuated with you that it hurts. the way you talk, think, express yourself is just so fucking amazing. i know you've been broken before, i have been too. i want to make you feel loved, loved like you've never been loved before-" mattia went on but was cutoff by kairi who gave him a sweet kiss.
"yes, i want to love you too. let's be broken together and eventually we will heal each other" kairi explained as he held mattia's hand.
"i'd love that" the tall boy claimed as he kissed his new lover.
the class ended, alvaro left since he had some test next class. mattia and kairi stayed bit after class.
"i don't regret anything i said yesterday" mattia said as he kissed kairi's hand.
"me either" the short boy smiled and kiss the slytherin's button nose.