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3rd Person POV:
it was a chilly october night, the young parents were treating themselves to a movie night. mattia was a huge fan of horror movies, kairi didn't mind them but they were not his favorite. they got their 2 year old boy to sleep, he was fussy all night begging to stay up. kairi got the blankets and pillows while mattia got the popcorn and drinks ready. kairi and mattia had a long week of work and school, they mixed their cokes with henessy just for a little kick.
"what we watching" kairi asked the older boy.
"i got all the saw movies, the exorcist, insidous and scream" mattia claimed as he wiggled his eyebrows.
"mmm let's start with scream" the short boy said as he grabbed the movie out of mattia's hand.
"oh i'll make you scream later today bubs" mattia responded as he slapped kairi's butt.
the wasian looked back and smirked, then inserted the movie.
the movie started and the boys were cuddled up together. everything was perfect, the weather was somber, kid was sleeping; all good. kairi would jump when jump scares would come on.
"i thought you weren't scared" mattia teased cockily.
"shut up and hold me" the wasian said as he wrapped mattia's arms tighter around him.
mattia and kairi sipped on their drinks and stuffed their faces with popcorn. the rain poured louder and made noises against the windows. they got through the first movie and were now watching the exorcist.
"did you hear that?!" kairi said as he looked back.
"no, bubs you're just scared, it's okay" mattia reassured him.
the boys screamed as they heard footsteps coming closer to them. mattia and kairi both covered their eyes tightly while holding each other.
"i'm scared" sebastian cried as he made grabby hands to kairi. the boy had kairi's big brown eyes and mattia's cute nose.
"bebe have you been up watching from the stairs?" mattia questioned his baby boy.
"yes but i didn't mean to" he pouted.
"you have to go to sleep baby, these movies aren't for babies" the wasian explained as he rubbed his small back.
"i'm sorry papi, i'm sorry daddy" the small boy said as he hugged them both.
kairi and mattia hugged their baby. the italian turned of the movie.
"what do you want to watch mi amor?" he asked the small boy.
"masha and the bear!!" seb exclaimed.
kairi laughed as his little boy jumped up and down. mattia watched his two boys laughing and smiling at the tv. he was amazed of how adorable they were.
their spooky night ended with a masha and the bear marathon and seb sleeping in the middle of them. mattia and kairi cuddled their boy in the middle and fell asleep peacefully.