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... Kairi's POV ... I haven't seen Mattia for a couple of weeks. Quarantine is so annoying, I can't even see my lover boy. Today was different though, Mattia wanted to take me out and I gladly accepted. I chose my outfit. It consisted of black ripped skinny jeans, white converse and a plain white t-shirt.
my love: ready to go bubs?
kai kai: yes I'm going bubba <3
I sprayed some perfume and headed out the door. Mattia was waiting beside the passenger door.
"Hi bubs I missed you like crazyyyy" he said as he kissed me all over.
"I know I know I missed you a lot too, where we going though?" I asked him.
"Ice cream?" Mattia answered.
"Okay lets gooooo" I exclaimed with excitement.
The car ride was everything. I missed this, I love going out with Mattia. I admired him as he drove, the way his hair sat on his head messily, the way his eyes gleamed.
"Stop staring at me bubs" Mattia claimed.
"Sorry I can't help it you're just so fucking hot" I said, then immediately feeling my cheeks get hot and turn red.
Mattia smiled at me and put his hand on my thigh. We kept singing a long to the music, it was blissful. The wind pushing our hair back, this moment was beautiful.
We ordered our ice cream and left. Mattia got Oreos and cream and I got strawberry.
Mattia suggested to go to our local plaza. It's basically an open space, there's benches and a playground. It's surrounded by small shops and a lot of trees.
He parked the car and we ate our dessert. He caught me up on what he was doing at home to keep him busy. Mattia started to paint, he explained to me how he gets so much inspiration just by looking at me.
"I want to take you somewhere that I've been wanting to take you" he said as he put his empty cup on his cup holder.
... 3rd Person POV ...
The boys drove around the outskirts of their town. Mattia knew where he was headed, they had to get there in perfect time. They came across some rich house and far away you could see nothing else just grass and trees.
The Italian boy parked his car on the side of the road.
"C'mon lets go before it gets dark" the boy said as he got out of the car.
"We have to walk all that? It's a whole ass hill!!" the beautiful boy responded.
"Calm down bubs it's not even that far so just relax and trust me ok" he reassured his boyfriend with a kiss.
They began to walk further and further until the short boy spoke up.
"Mattia this is a fucking cemetery what the actual fuck!" the Wasian boy exclaimed as he looked at the boy next to him with disbelief.
"Yeah I know he have to walk up there and then you see that white wall?" the Italian claimed as he pointed to the white wall on top of a hill.
"Yes I do" Kairi added.
"That's our destination baby" Mattia said.
"Ugh I despise you sometimes!" the short boy complained.
"Well too bad baby because I'm not leaving anytime soon" Mattia laughed.
They kept walking, the trail was steep. Although Kairi almost slipped twice, he managed to get where they were heading to.
"This is what I wanted to show you" Mattia exclaimed.
From where they were, they could see all their town. It was truly astonishing, it was perfect timing too. The sun was starting to set, the sky was golden. It was mixed with shades of yellow and orange.
"This is perfect bubba" Kairi said as he kissed the Italian boy.
Both boys sat on the corner and just vibed with each other. They listened to music and took pictures of each other.
Mattia loved how Kairi glowed under the light of the sun. His skin looked dewy and his eyes looked like pure honey. It was moments like these where Mattia couldn't believe that he was dating such a beautiful boy.