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Kairi's POV:

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Kairi's POV:

kairi's thoughts:

why won't he take me back? i know i fucked up. i'll probably regret not being the bigger person and just talked to him. if i could go back in time i would do the unthinkable. i'd probably confesss my feelings for him. i honestly feel like the biggest asshole ever. even though mattia told me he caught feelings first, i know it was me. it was the way he talked to me, he was sweet to me. he was always so attentive and let me rant about whatever was bothering me. it was the fact that he never complained about it, he enjoyed it. when we stopped talking, i was broken; i not only lost my soulmate but my best friend.

i felt a tap on my shoulder which made me look up.

"are you okay kai?" alejandro asked me.

"yea-no, ale i just wished i would've done something or at least talked to and do things right" i began to tear up as i told the hispanic boy.

"kai look at me, you needed time for yourself. you needed a break, that's okay. you guys have time to reconnect okay? sometimes you have to love yourself and care for your own well being. love yourself first kai kai" he told me while keeping steady eye contact.

"i know ale, but i just wish i could go back in time so bad" i said

"cheer up butter cup, want to skip 5th period?" the boy suggested.

"yes please" i responded as i grabbed my backup.

we sat on the last row so it made it easier to leave it. we ducked down and made a run for it. we ran and pushed the doors, alejandro and i reached his car and drove off.

"fuck i forgot my money" i said as i looked through my backpack.

"no worries, it's on me. what do you want to eat?" he asked me while he had one hand on the steering wheel and the other one on the volume of the stereo.

we both looked at each other.

"CHICK-FIL-A!!" we said at the same time.

once we got to place our order, the worked kept looking at me. he was attractive, he was tall and had golden skin. our eyes kept meeting, i would look down because i didn't want him to see my blushed cheeks.

"okay kai got game" alejandro chuckled.

"not true he was just being nice" i assured him.

"eres un tonto, you're so blind i swear" he claimed.

"bitch i'm not dumb, i'm just stating facts" i said confidently.

"how much you want to bet that he'll probably give you his number?" ale laughed.

"fine, loser does has to do any homework we tell them to do" i told him as we pulled into the window.

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