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... 3rd POV ...
The boys were getting more and more popular on tiktok. At first it was fun but it became such a burden for them. Not only that but the comments were just to much for them. Kairi never thought anything of them. He knew who he was and what he was about. It didn't bother him because they don't know him.
Mattia acted hard over social media. Everyone thought of him as a careless boy. Kairi and his friends knew that he wasn't. He was so soft when it came to Kairi. The hate would really get to him and he believed them.
The Italian wasn't good at hiding his emotions. He wore his heart on his sleeve.
"Bubba what's wrong?" the small boy said concerned.
"Nothing just umm-" he began to say but got cutoff.
"Don't lie to me, I know you're hurting I can see it on your face" Kairi claimed.
The wasian looked at his lovers eyes, they were red and his cheeks were stained with salty tears. Mattia avoided eye contact with Kairi, he had to be strong. Unfortunately he couldn't, he sobbed in his boyfriends arms.
Kairi hugged his boyfriend for dear life. He wrapped his small arms around him. One hand caressed his back and traced shapes on it. The other was playing with Mattia's raven black hair.
The tall boy laid his head on Kairi's neck and cried.
"It's the comments bubs, they tell me mean things and they say that you're going to leave me. They said I'm worthless, my body is ugly and so much other bullshit" Mattia rambled.
Kairi stopped hugging him. He looked at Mattia and grabbed his face with both of his hands.
"Look at me Mattia" the short boy remarked as he saw his boyfriend's gloomy complexion.
The tall boy looked at the floor but then up at his lover.
"Don't ever believe those people, they don't know who you are. They've never met you before so why would their comments even be valid. I love you with all my soul. Why would I leave you? I've made some terrible decisions in love. You're the only thing that I think I got right. You make me feel something that I didn't feel with anybody. You've made me who I am Mattia. You are beyond beautiful, your body is perfect, you are perfect. Nobody will ever compare to you, I am yours forever and always bubba" Kairi reassured the tall boy, then giving him a sweet kiss.
Mattia smiled and wiped his tears away. The small boy ran upstairs and grabbed blankets and a couple of pillows.
"Here put on a movie and I'll make hot chocolate" The short boy said as he gave the older boy the tv remote.
The boys were cuddled up in a warm blanket. Kairi was the big spoon and Mattia was the little spoon. The short boy comforted his boyfriend by playing with his hair.
It was an hour later, the movie ended.
"Bubs pick another movie" Kairi said as he looked down at Mattia.
The Italian was peacefully asleep in his arms. This moment was bliss. Kairi looked at him and observed every feature he had. His lips, his perfect nose and his messy black hair. He kissed his cheek carefully.
"Watashi wa kokorokara anata o aishiteimasu" Kairi said.