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... 3rd Person POV ...
Dear Diary,
It's a Monday today, I'll finally see Mattia. I've been waiting all weekend to see him. Although I only see him in one of my classes, it's totally worth it. He makes that class fun, I love the way he talks and the way his eyes sparkle when he laughs. He makes my heart flutter. His complexion is beautiful and everything about him makes me fall for him even more.
Feb. 3. 18
Mattia's eyes were glued to notebook, paying full attention to what Kairi wrote. He never thought that Kairi felt this way towards him. Mattia always found the short boy adorable. The way Kairi would blush when Mattia would talk to him. He could tell that the short boy was fond of him.
Dear Diary,
Soccer tryouts were today, fun right? I made the varsity team! But guess what, Mattia was there. The things I would do to just kiss him and be his. I love everything about him. He makes me feel confident and smart. He's different from other boys, anyways I gotta go.
Feb. 5. 18
As the Italian boy finished reading the diary entry, he heard small footsteps approaching the room.
"Fuck fuck" mattia muttered as he rushed and put the diary in his backpack.
Kairi came in and sat down on his bed.
"We didn't have anymore junk food so I got the best next thing fruit" kairi exclaimed handing mattia a bowl of fruit while smiling.
It was little things like this that made Mattia happy. He never thought that this short boy would bright up his whole world with just his presence.
"Thank you Kai" he said as he grabbed the whole and ate a couple of grapes.
"Shit we are going to be seniors isn't that crazy?!?" the short boy sighed as he laid on his bed, looking up at the ceiling.
Mattia examined his beautiful features, completely mesmerized.
"I know, we met almost 3 years ago in Mr. Gibson's class and now we are seniors" mattia chuckled while looking at the beautiful boy.
"Fun times, you were such a dumbass in that class" kairi remarked as he popped a cherry in his mouth.
"You know I'm not the best in math" the Italian claimed while giving the short boy a small smile.
After a long time of talking, Mattia left Kairi's house.
While driving back to his house, he thought about what he read earlier. Did Kairi like him back? Since when has he felt like this? Should he confess his feelings too?
Throughout the whole Mattia kept on reading the short boys' diary. A part of him felt guilty for invading his privacy but he just was too intrigued into what Kairi had to say.
One week became three weeks, Mattia flipped from page to page. Reading every single detail, his eyes were attracted to the pages not letting them drift away.
He learned that Kairi liked him since they first met. He mentions his feelings towards the tall boy.
Mattia sat on his bed reminiscing all the good times they had together and how their "friendship bloomed.
*door opens*
"Hey mat-" kairi looked at his diary that he has been looking for what seemed forever and back at mattia.
The short boy wasn't mad at Mattia, he was petrified. That journal has all his Diary entry's, feelings, but most specifically him declaring his love towards the Italian boy.
The short boy ran like the wind not noticing that the sky became more gloomy and raindrops were falling from it.
Kairi stopped and looked at his surroundings. He ended up at the soccer field. The boy breathed heavily and tried to catch his breathe.
He felt terrible, the Wasian boy began to cry. He knew their love is forbidden. Mattia would never like him that way.
He felt a hand on his shoulder.
The short boy looked up at Mattia. He was going to say something but he was cut off my Mattia's lips crashing onto his.
Kairi had dreamed of this moments since they've met. His lips were sweet, the Italian wrapped his arms around Kairi's small figure. The beautiful boy finally felt safe in his arms.
"I'm sorry about reading your diary I truly am-" mattia rambled.
"Stop apologizing, I'm glad you found it and read it. If it wasn't for that we wouldn't be here. So now that you read it what do you think?" Kairi said as he was fidgeting with his hands.
"I love you Kai" mattia answered him.
The boys kissed in the rain not letting anything in the world bother them.