𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 (𝟐)

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we spent the rest of the evening in rome, the boys split up

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we spent the rest of the evening in rome, the boys split up. some went to the shops and others went to look for food; as always. although mattia and kairi stayed together, they weren't in the mood to look at clothes. the boys instead looked at the buildings and their environment. they were the ones who truly lived in the moment. as the boys stopped at a beautiful water fountain that had roman statues, they  moved closer and closer to each other. their shoulders were barely touching, that was when mattia made his move. the italian boy looked down and held kairi's hand, then looked back up and smiled widely.

- 2 months later-

"i really do want to tell him that it's me, but i'm not sure if i can" the wasian boy stated as he looked at his firend with a worried look.

"why haven't you told him? are you scared of commitment?" alvaro asked his friend.

"it's not that, i just feel like i'm not good enough for him. there's so many pretty girls out there, why would i be his soulmate?" kairi doubted as he played with his fingers.

"look kai you're his soulmate for a reason, he can listen to your music and can sense your emotions, that says a lot more than words" the hispanic boy stated in a stern tone.

"since when have you been lying to him that you have no idea who his soulmate is?" alvaro continued to question kairi.

"umm since the italy trip but it was b-" the short boy began but was cut off by mattia, who barged into the room.

mattia heard only kairi say that he was his soulmate and he had been lying to him. the tall boy had a sad expession on his face, his smile that was once bright and cheerful, was now somber and gloomy. his eyes that were so bright and would always shine were now dull and lifeless, to the point where they were just glossy with his sad tears.

"why would you lie about that? you know how much i wished that you were my soulmate. now that it happened, you don't want me?" mattia said in a sad tone, the boy felt let down and overall like complete garbage.

"mattia just let me explain don't go please!" the wasian boy exclaimed as he ran out of alvaros house, but it was too late; mattia had already driven away.

2 weeks have passed, kairi and mattia still haven't talked at all. mattia would be distracted during class, when he got home he would just sleep; he even forgot to eat at times. although the italian boy was sad and pondered about what had happened, on the other side of town kairi was not taking it well at all.

alejandro decided to check up on the boy since he didn't go to school that day. the hispanic boy picked up his calculus and his engilish homework that he was going to give kairi. he drove to his house peacefully. the mood was definently off in the short boys house, the weather did not help at all. it was gloomy, it decided to pour rain this whole day; not the best weather in situations like these. alejandro stepped inside of kairi's room, it was a mess; messier than usual. his hoodies were all over the floor, empty cups and plates were scattered on his desk and his room was just dark; no sunlight whatsoever. there he was, the small boy wore mattias favorite hoodie, he was bundled up in his blankets not moving.

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