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(That's Zach ^^) ... 3rd Person POV ...
The boys have been together for 5 months. 5 months that withheld many kisses, hugs, sweet words and love. Mattia looked at Kairi as his person, his first real love. He didn't know how to explain it but that boy made him a better person. He changed for the better, he did it thanks to him.
The Wasian felt the same about his boyfriend but not as strongly as he thought. He had a secret that not even Mattia knew about. This secret will haunt him forever. The short boy knew that this secret would break their relationship in a heartbeat. Kairi has been cheating on Mattia.
"You know what Kairi we need a break!" The Italian yelled.
"Why!? I didn't do anything wrong it's not my fault!" Kairi asnwered as he paced around the room.
"Oh so you think that kissing some random guy at the party is totally normal!?!" Mattia asked the wasian.
"I already told you he came to me and started to grind on me then he kissed me!!" Kairi yelled.
"You kissed him back asshole! just fucking leave now!"Mattia told Kairi as he opened the door for him.
Kairi knew what he did was wrong but he was heavily intoxicated with alcohol that night. Mattia kicked him out of their house. He stayed at his moms house, it wasn't far from his house. The boy opened a bottle of Hennessy to drown his thoughts, one shot after another. It burned his throat all the the way to his stomach. Kai rested his head on the bed thinking about what he did. He started to question his relationship.
Do I really love Mattia?
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Zach: heard you broke up with mattia, come over baby boy