Chapter 3

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(F/N)'s POV

I never would've thought that I'd see Carlisle Cullen alive again. After he left that day, I dreamed for years that I'd find him and kill him for leaving me. But after my massacring was done, I understood and didn't hate him as much as I should've. The thought of hurting him now without provocation made me grimace. He had chosen freedom over the Volturi guard and it was the right thing to do. I didn't blame him for wanting to leave. If anything, I should've tried to escape sooner.

As I closed the door on my oldest and closest friend, I smiled at having a connection in Forks and Carlisle wanting me to meet his family. I ripped the envelope opened, careful to not destroy the address, and read his letter. When I saw there would be a human present, I stopped dead. I'd kill her, even if I'd fed! It would be impossible for me to be in the same fucking room as her! What was he thinking?! There's no way I could control my thirst! I silently cursed myself for not reading the letter with him. Nothing hurt more than the thought of losing control and draining that human of life. I sighed; if anything, I'd have to pack blood bags in order to discreetly feed without alarming her.

As I set the opened letter and envelope on my immaculate dining room table, I went to my fridge and opened it; the many blood bags from the local blood bank stared back at me. I grabbed one of the O-negative bags, heated it up, and drank it straight from the bag like a shot of alcohol. Though I couldn't sleep and never would, I walked into my bedroom and lay face-first on my bed, shutting my eyes and waiting for the day.

"Pick up your pace! You don't want to keep the masters waiting," a velvety voice said behind me.

I rolled my eyes before looking back at the man and retorting, "Says the Volturi's hunting dog."

A grin spread across his features and he mused, "Your insults won't hurt me, amore mio." I stopped in my tracks and he mimicked me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him teasingly close. Lust clouded his eyes and he leaned toward my lips.

I pulled away from his grasp before smugly asking, "Now who's the one keeping the masters waiting, Tesoro?"

I shot up when I felt light touch my back; when did I get undressed? I didn't know and didn't care because when I looked at my watch, I was very late. Swearing like a sailor, I ran around my house and got dressed, packing enough blood bags to last me both through today and tonight. I also grabbed the letter and address Carlisle gave me last night, shoving them into my bag and jogging out to my car. If I made it to work now, it would be a fucking miracle. Fuck!Fuck!Fuck! I needed this job to blend in without harming anyone. I floored it down the road.

When I arrived at work, everyone knew better than to talk to me before I'd done almost an hour of work. I made my way down to the archives, yelling over my shoulder, "Give me two hours before anyone talks to me!" I didn't stick around, but I knew they were nodding. When I finally got to my desk, I set my bag down, sighed, and turned on my computer. I got to work, only getting up if I had to go get a paper and file it into the new computer system. While yes, I knew inputting data was boring, it minimized the bloodlust, so it worked out; I was genuinely happy where I worked for the first time in centuries. Nothing could rival the happiness I felt with my new life. People here actually respected boundaries as compared to the lack of privacy back in Italy. As I frantically typed, I looked up and saw my boss, Mr. Miller, staring at me holding a file. I asked, "Can I help you, sir?"

He gulped nervously and answered, "Yes! This needs to be filed away under Section Thirteen of the History of Forks up until the Revolution."

I nodded, took the file from his shaking hands, and said, "I got it. Thank you, sir."

LOVE AND IMMORTALITY (RILEY BIERS X F!READER) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now