Chapter 13 What really happened

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Takashi's POV:
*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BE-* Before my stupid alarm clock could finish I slammed it against the wall. "Ughhhhh" I groan as I get up. I walk down stairs to see my parents leaving. "Bye" I say to them as they wave bye to me and my little sister. I eat my pancakes as I text Lucy to see if she wants to meet at the park. She says yes which makes me happy obviously! I'm the luckiest guy in the world! As I leave my house I get to the park and meet Lucy along with Yori and Sakura. We talk a bit till the old man comes. Fuck- I hate this guy! He hates me too! Just because his son does not love Lucy it she does not not love him. After the asshole leaves we chill at the park for 15 more minutes. After that I go to the liquor store just to buy a softie if soda because I'm thirsty. As in there Lucy and the others are outside waiting. I wait for my cash as I watch the tv. I have my words. I'm speechless. I mean what would you feel if you parents just die sin a car crash. I got so mad that I also bought a liquor and chugged it all down. Then I went outside really dizzy. We get to Lucy's house and from there I don't remember anything. I'm not sure what we did there but I remember waking up in Yori's house with a headache. "The fuck happened?" I ask Yori. He then explains everything that happened and shit I'm an idiot! I almost raped my girlfriend!!!! What the fuck! She surely hates me now! Well I'm doomed! I need some time to to relax and think about what I'm going to tell her when I go visit her later.

Author-Chan: hey guys I do not mean to offend anyone or make fun of anyone who has been sexually abused in any way what so ever! This is just part of the story! Also don't worry the demon parts will be coming real soon 😉

May 21,2020

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