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The majority of the population in the world believes that the ending cycle of life is marriage. The world taught us to be competitive about our status in life, so we try everything that we can to make ourselves better. However, it's inevitable to live a life without hearing stereotypes from people.

Is it just me? I'm so sick of hearing questions like:

Where did you apply for college?

What course will you take?

How's the salary for your job?

Why are you still single?

When are you going to get married?

When will you have kids?

People will always ask us these questions as if it's a mandatory step that we have to take in life. We live in a world where people believe that you have to know what you want at the age of 18 years old. We live in a world where people believe that we have to study in college, apply for popular courses, get into a prestigious school, and graduate on time. We live in a world where you have to work in a company with a high paying job. We live in a world where people believe that you have to get married at the age of 30. We live in a world where people's expectations will haunt us, as long as we're alive.

Now, tell me. Are you living for yourself, or are you just surviving to feed these people's expectations?

Wanna know Kelly's answer? Whatever, this is my life.

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