Chapter 8: Familiar Eyes

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Guest starring 

Sophie Okonedo as Robyn O'Reilly

-Night at New York's General Hospital-

“How’s Connie doing?” Gil asks watching the younger man pace the corridor.

“Some bruises and a concussion. The doctor says she’s going to be okay. Her Aunt’s just an hour away, she’ll look after her too once she’s released.” he informs after checking his texts. “They want her to stay overnight just in case for observation.”

“That’s good.” the lieutenant exhales a breath frantically typing on his phone.

“Any leads on Grace and Malcolm?” Austin asks. Feeling as though he would explode if he had to wait a moment longer.

“We have reasons to believe that the Junkyard killer is connected to The Surgeon.” Gil states.

“Malcolm’s father?” Austin nods. Having done some googled Dr. Martin Whitly. “But what does Grace have anything to do with it?”

“We’re looking into-“

“AUSTIN!” a voice shrieks causing both men to look down the hall to see a woman rushing over to them. “Are you okay?” She loops her arms around his neck forcing him to her level.

“Gil this is Robyn, Robyn, Gil. He’s on the case.” He quickly sums up.

“I’m Austin’s mother.” she introduces.

“Step-mother.” He corrects bitterly.

“You are mine just as much as Grace.” She scolds looking back at the detective tears in her eyes. “I have so many questions.” Her voice trembles biting her lip to keep it from wavering. “H-how could this happen? Is she okay? What disgusting piece of human scum would take a six year old girl?” she rattles off fists and jaw clenching.

“My team and I are working hard.-“

“Tell me the truth? I watch enough CSI and Law and Order to know that’s a crock of shit!”

“Robyn!” Austin scolds.

“I know how you feel. One of our own was taken too. He’s one of our best and if she’s with him I know in my heart she’s in the best hands.”

“I’m sorry.” She places a shaky hand over her mouth letting a sob leave her throat.

“Don’t be.” He places a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I promise to bring both of our children home. Your’s and mine.” Gil promises. His phone rings. Causing him to steps away to answer it.

“Is Patrick here too?” Austin questions.

“He’s finding somewhere to park,” she informs. “Are you okay? Oh, of course not. I’m sorry. Are you taking care of yourself? Of course not. Are you eating enough? You’re so skinny.” she questions then answers herself. Taking a step back to get a good look at him. “I’ve always thought you looked so handsome with long hair.” She gives a sad smile. “ ‘Bout time you left that punk, emo or whatever phase.” She waves off receiving a small chuckle from him.

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