Chatper 12: It's okay not to be okay

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-Morning at Gabrielle's office building-

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-Morning at Gabrielle's office building-

“Hi, I’m here for Grace O’Reilly.”

“Who is she seeing?” the kind receptionist asks fingers dancing about the keyboard with lightning speed.

“Gabrielle Le Deux,” Austin answers hoping he was pronouncing it correctly.

“They should be finishing up. You can have a seat and we’ll bring her out to you in just a moment.” she ends with a warm smile.

“T-Thank you.” Austin stumbled over his words. Caught off guard by the warm atmosphere. Adjusting his jacket taking a seat in the middle of the row of empty chairs. Flashes of his own so called therapy sessions crept into his mind. A balding man accusing him of being confused, an overload of hormone driven urges, an act of rebellion for having a severed relationship with his father being the reasons for his homosexuality.

Using his phone to hopefully distract him.

January 15, 2020

How are you? That night we both had a bit to drink and I just wanted to know if everything was alright between us.

January 23, 2020

I’m here if you need anything.

January 26, 2020

I’m worried about you, Bright Eyes.

He groans hitting his head on the wall behind him. He hated how weak and needy he sounded. Of course, he was the last person Malcolm wanted to talk to. His heart flutters at the chime of his phone the feeling being quickly extinguished when reading the Caller ID.

Connie Rossi

“Hey Con,” he answers.

“Heyyyy...” her voice coos. “Why the long face.”

“You can’t even see my face.”

“From the sound of your voice is all I need to see that Austin frown.”

“I should patent that.”

“You should.”

“Are you at work?” he questions not hearing the chatter of bar patrons he usually heard in the background.

“I wish. I’m having a weird reaction to the medication for my migraines. Doctors are running some tests.” she groans.

“I’m sure it’s nothing.” he comforts knowing Connie’s distaste for hospitals. “You’ll outlive us all.” he jokes.

“Is Grace there. I’m in dire need of TLG.”

“Tender loving Grace.” he snickers.

“Austin!” the small girl squeals greeting her brother with a hug.

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