Chapter 15: The girl in the box

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-Night at New York General Hospital-

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-Night at New York General Hospital-

“Hi, Robyn.” Malcolm greets quietly closing the door behind him. Walking over to the woman managing to curl herself into a metal chair. Adjacent to her was Patrick’s bed where he snored loudly. “I brought coffee.” He gives a soft smile holding a cup in his hand.

“Thank you.” She smiles taking a sip.

“You should get some sleep. It’s been a long night for all of us.” She sighs.

“I’m an insomniac, I don’t know what sleep is.” He jokes. “Whatcha looking at?” He points to a large book in her lap.

“Memories.” she sighs placing her drink on the floor by her foot. “When Grace and Austin were small.” She sighs reminiscing. Malcolm takes a seat next to her on the couch. “Austin’s going to kill me if he finds out.” she snickers opening the album nevertheless. Pictures of a baby boy taking a bath. Head of wild hair giving a gummy grin to the camera holding up a plastic boat. Malcolm laughs along with Robyn flipping through moments in time. A young Patrick in camo with his son on his hip and a young woman on his arm.

“Is that, Joy?” he asks pointing to the woman.

“Yes, that is.” She nods.

Flipping the glossy page. Patrick and Robyn under the canopy, a pregnant Robin, and an angry looking Austin during what looked to be a baby shower.

“So much emotion.” She clicks her tongue. Turning the page to hospital pictures of Grace. A classic family photo of Mom holding grace, Dad with his arm around her, but there was one picture. It was taken from behind gazing over Austin’s shoulder as he sat in the uncomfortable metal chair holding Grace.

“This is my favorite one of Austin.” She coos. “He was so gentle.” She smiles.

“He looks at peace, Malcolm comments tracing his fingers over the glossy memento of memories.

“Yeah.” She hums. “Maybe this could inspire you two to give me a couple of grandkids.” She laughs hysterically at Malcolm’s petrified expression. “That was so easy.” She says catching her breath reminding Malcolm to breathe. Taking the book from her lap into his own continuing to look through the pages. Turning to wedding pictures of Patrick and Robyn dancing, cutting the cake. Than an old and faded picture of Patrick and Joy.

“She had a beautiful voice. I think there’s even video of that day.” She informs. Her voice faded as something caught his eye. A gold bracelet that adorned her wrist.

It looked familiar. Flipping to another page of her singing passionately into a microphone. One hand firmly grasped the handle with the glittering jewelry in plain view.

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