Chapter 10: Daydream

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Inhaling deeply Austin pulls away relishing his forehead resting against Malcolm’s

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Inhaling deeply Austin pulls away relishing his forehead resting against Malcolm’s. The clicking of the door handle sounds. The clicking of heels startled the two causing Austin to nearly go through the wall he slammed against in his attempt to create space between him and the bed. Malcolm closed his eyes pretending to had just woken up.

The blonde looks between the two skeptically.

“Everything ok?” Ainsley asks.



The men blurted out with fake smiles.

“Everything’s great, Ains,” Malcolm assures. His sister eyes them for a few moments more going to place a gift bag that was overfilled with tissue paper on a table by the bed.

“Austin.” a small voice calls pulling Austin over to the other side of the bed caressing his sister’s cheek.

“I’m here. I’m here.” he coos lifting her into his arms noting that she wasn’t hooked up to anything. “How you feelin’ rugrat?” he mumbles into her hair giving her kisses as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

“Tired,” she grumbles. “And hungry.” she quickly adds blinking her big brown eyes. Resting her head on his chest.

“What would you like. Ice cream, chocolate cake...” he lists off.

“Cookies.” she smiles cheekily.

“That was going to be my third guess.” he snapped his fingers in mock disappointment. “Cookies coming right up. Malcolm Anything?” he asks gently returning Grace to snuggle into Malcolm’s side.

“Jello cup, please.” He answers.

“Of course, what flavor?” Austin accepts.

“Lemon.” He answers happily. “Cherry if they have nothing else.” He quickly adds as a backup.

“I’ll walk with you.” Ainsley volunteers.

“There’s no need.” Austin reasons.

“Not at all. Might as well familiarize myself with the layout of the hospital that seems to be my brother’s second home,” she assures.

Treats in hand which Austin paid for. Having to battle Ainsley and being the victor inserting his card before hers.

“Did you two fuck yet?” the blonde breaks the ice. By break, she took a flamethrower to it.

“What!?!” he breaks into a coughing fit having choked on his own spit mid swallow.

“I take that as a no.” she deduces. “How long have you two been seeing each other?”

“Who-- what-- who told you--”

“No one, but you just did. So, thank you.” She smiles proudly at her success. “What? Who do you think was the guinea pig to test out her older brother’s profiling skills?” she asks rhetorically.

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