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A/N: Hi loves. Super sorry about the bombard of notifications you're about to get from me updating this. This book (and the two sequels) have been getting a good amount of attention lately (which I am so grateful for), and after I looked back on them I realized I wasn't very proud of them. I believe my writing style/abilities have changed a lot since I first wrote and published them, so I decided to update it to match.

This update also means that all the comments will be detached from the parts they were commenting on, and any future readers who are looking back on the comments... sorry:)

This rewrite does not change the plot besides small details throughout the book. I improved my grammar and spelling, while also making miniscule changes to some characters. I realized with heavy dread as I read back on these books that I was that writer that made Edmund some pathetic, love sick boy who only lived if the girl loved him back. I hope that I've brought his character some justice by rewriting. I've also changed Macey around a bit. Because honestly? For a main character, she was DULL. I tried to give her some more ~spice~ throughout the books, which hopefully makes the plot a little more interesting.

Feel free to give this a reread, but also rest assured that not a lot has changed, and if you've read it once then you've got the idea.

I love you all so so much, and I'll try to start working on my other pieces again!

Much luv,


P.S: This layout is showing up about a thousand different ways for me on my computer vs. my phone so I am so sorry if this turns into a mess.


I was pulled from my fitful sleep abruptly by muffled shouts and what sounded like thunder. I sat up quickly, my eyes widening to search the room. Lights came through my window like a torch, sweeping through it frantically. I jumped as my older brother Archie burst into my room.

"Come on, Macey! We've got to go!" He grabbed my arm and yanked me from my sheets, pulling me through the door. I struggled to keep up as the last of sleep cleared from my head. My mother emerged from the room adjacent to mine just as I staggered into the hallway, carrying a lantern. The look of fear in her eyes made me shiver.

Before I could ask what was happening, Mother grabbed my other arm and together she and Archie led me to our back door. While we crossed our backyard I looked to see our neighbors, the Pevensies, running wild also. I finally realized what was happening as planes soared through the air, dropping bombs that made my teeth chatter.

My breathing was labored as is, but it quickened even further as I noticed Edmund Pevensie break from his mother's grip and surge back into the house. I dug my heels into the ground, forcing my mother and Archie to fall back as well. I called for Edmund. He didn't turn.

"I'll get him!" Peter Pevensie, the eldest sibling, called as he turned back for his brother. He shot me a look over his shoulder. Get inside, it said. I stubbornly held my ground and watched with wide eyes, clutching Archie's hand and my nightgown with white knuckles. My mother had reached the shelter and was beckoning myself and Archie inside. Not without Edmund.

Another bomb collided with the earth, the soil quivering under my feet. A blazing light shone through the windows of the Pevensies. I inhaled sharply and prayed Peter and Edmund were alright.

After a few more agonizing seconds, the boys came hurtling out of the house and towards the shelter. They looked unharmed, but as Edmund's feet pounded on the ground, clutching a broken photograph of his father, I could sense he wasn't right. He and Peter dove into the shelter, and although I could hear Peter's scolding and accusations, I finally allowed my brother to pull me into the shelter and close the door behind me, consuming us in darkness.

Our Angel - E. Pevensie [1]Where stories live. Discover now