12 - Fight With Me

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Walking into the camp, I could feel the energy was low. Even though the sun had risen and there was light dancing across the tents, the Narnians bustling around were sullen. Some bowed or attempted to muster a smile towards me, but all I was able to do was nod back.

I reached Aslan's tent just as Peter emerged from it. "He's really gone." He whispered, looking at me.

I nodded solemnly and turned to the battle plan on the table outside the tent. Oreius gazed at me, seeming to consider something, before lowering his eyes as well. Peter ran a hand through his hair as Edmund came up to the table, slipping his hand in mine when he stopped at my side.

I cleared my throat. "The girls will stay at the Stone Table. It's safest there." I said, looking at Peter. He nodded.

"Wish you would have stayed with them, Mae." he mumbled. My mouth twitched into a small smile before shaking my head.

"With Aslan gone, you'll have to lead us, Peter. There's an army out there and it's ready to follow you." Edmund spoke to his brother.

Peter shook his head. "I can't."

"Aslan believed you could." I put a hand on his shoulder.

Edmund smiled. "And so do I." Peter nodded lightly at his words.

Oreius shuffled his hooves. "The Witch's army is nearing, sire. What are your orders?"

Edmund and I stood on the rocks above the field, decked out in full armor. I gripped my sword tightly and flexed my fingers, trying to calm the nerves. Peter and Oreius were below us on a small mound in front of the army.

A griffin had just soared in above us to deliver the whereabouts of the Witch's army to Peter. He and Oreius shared hushed words and worried looks before the eldest Pevensie turned to squint up at Edmund and me. We both nodded encouragingly at him.

Edmund cleared his throat and turned to me, searching my face worriedly. I masked the pain I was surely showing from my headaches.

"Are you sure you should be fighting with your headaches, Mae? It's not too late to turn back to camp. Everyone would understand." He reached forward and squeezed my hand.

I sighed, shaking my head. We've had this talk about three times today. "You wouldn't be able to guarantee my safety there either, Ed. It's my duty to help the Narnians too. I'm fighting."

Edmund frowned before nodding once, lifting up my armored sleeve to press his thumb into my wrist. I squeezed his hand and smiled, then turned back to the field.

The Witch's army had just crept up the peak of the hill, horribly ugly creatures raising weaponry of all kinds. I clenched my jaw as my eyes landed on the White Witch.

"Is that...?" Edmund breathed, having spotted her also.

I nodded and shifted my feet. "Yes." I growled. The Witch was wearing Aslan's mane.

Peter raised his sword and pointed forward, sending the griffons the signal. They soared above with boulders in their clutches, dropping them on the oncoming army.

Peter turned to Oreius. "Are you with me?" I could hear him ask. The centaur nodded and drew his swords.

"To the death." He answered. Peter raised his sword higher.

"For Narnia, and for Aslan!" He screamed. Our army charged.

Cotton filled my ears as the armies raced towards each other. I could only hear my own heartbeat. It all returned when the first leopard crashed into the enemy, tumbling back with a snow leopard. I drew my sword as I watched both armies clash. Peter demanded we stay put until drawback.

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