10 - Promise

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Susan and Lucy brought me to our tent and showed me a whole trunkful of dresses that were made just for me, and my sword was returned to me as well as my daggers. I guess someone in the rescue party knew they were mine.

I thanked them kindly before removing Edmund's shirt. I tucked it under my pillow with a small smile, then pulled one of the silk dresses on. It was a light fabric of maroon, with gold at the waist, and thin enough sleeves that I could find my sheaths over them.

I smiled and buckled my sword belt around my waist, then turned and made my way out of the tent clumsily, my legs still getting used to walking.

Peter noticed me stumble out of my tent and launched himself to my side. He helped me make my way to the table and sat me in between him and Ed. Susan and Lucy smiled softly at me, and I thanked Peter while smiling back. My eyes fell upon the small table in front of us, which held eggs, water, toast, and jam. My stomach growled loudly and I lunged at the food, barely able to get the jam on the toast before I consumed it.

Lucy giggled. "Narnia isn't going to run out of toast, Mae." I smiled at her and swallowed, taking a big swig of my water. Peter sighed and stood up, walking over to lean against a large rock nearby.

"I'm sure they'll pack something up for the journey back." He spoke. I spit up my water.

"We're going home?" Susan asked, patting my back slightly as I choked on the liquid.

Peter gestured towards the four of us. "You are. I promised Mum, and Macey's mum, that I'd keep you all safe. But it doesn't mean I can't stay behind and help." I shook my head.

"I'm not leaving Peter." I said stubbornly.

"They need us! All five of us!" Lucy argued. Peter just shook his head, coming back to the table.

"Lucy, it's too dangerous. You almost drowned! Edmund and Macey were almost killed! I can't risk losing any of you."

Edmund tensed beside me."Which is why we have to stay." He said. We all turned to him. "I've seen what the White Witch can do. And I've helped her do it. And as much as I hate putting Lucy and Mae in danger, we can't just leave these people behind to suffer for it." I nodded at Edmund with a smile as Lucy placed a comforting hand on his. Susan stood.

"Well, I suppose that's it then."

"Where are you going?" Peter asked. She picked up her bow and quiver and turned to him with a smile.

"To get in some practice!" Lucy jumped up after her, and I stood slowly. Susan and Lucy moved to come to help me, but I waved them off dismissively.

"I'm all right." I smiled. I shook my legs a few times each then took a few steps forward. My feet tingled as I walked over to grab my sword, but otherwise, I was steady and walked much easier.

I caught up to the girls and we chatted while walking towards the practice fields. The field was an open, grassy area by some large rocks a little ways off from camp. There were six targets for shooting practice and benches scattered along the edges, but most of the space was just empty land for sword fighting.

Susan and Lucy approached a target, but as I faltered in my steps a headache came to the back of my head. I stumbled, holding my forehead while lowering myself to the bench. Susan and Lucy spun along with the rest of my surroundings as I plopped down onto the seat.

"Are you all right, Macey?" Susan asked, her bow and arrow notched into her hands.

I waved her off with a forced smile. "Just a headache. I'll be okay in a second."

The girls frowned but turned back to the targets nonetheless. Susan took a breath, aimed, and released the arrow. It landed with a thunk just nearly off the center. While Lucy and I clapped gently for her, she looked unimpressed with herself.

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