1 - Sent Away

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The morning after the bombings, my mother, Archie, and I gathered in the Pevensies' home. After a reunion filled with relief, we gathered on small couches in the sitting room. Susan, Lucy, and Peter sat on the couch across from me. Archie sat on the armrest to my right and Edmund sat on my left, his hand comfortably resting in mine.

Edmund has been my best friend ever since I can remember. I grew up with all the Pevensie siblings, but due to our close ages, we were always the closest. I leaned against him as Mrs. Pevensie cleared her throat.

"As you may know, many children of England are being sent to the countryside for their protection. I'm sure some of your classmates themselves have already been sent off." She shared a nervous look with my mother, who gave her an encouraging nod. I shared a wary look with Susan. "The war only seems to be heightening. The only safe option for us is to send you lot off as well."

I inhaled sharply. My mind raced. Sent off? To the country? Before I could even think of it, Edmund spoke.

"The country! Mum, will we be together?"His grip on my hand tightened. My mother nodded and looked at me as she spoke.

"The five of you will be staying at an estate. The Professor is a dear friend of ours." She smiled. My forehead creased.


Mother clasped her hands together. "Pardon, dear?" I rose to my feet and crossed my arms.

"The six of us will be staying at the estate. Archie will be coming as well, right?" My mother straightened her posture and looked at my brother. I spun around slowly. "Right?"

Archie shifted on the armrest and swallowed. I could see his Adam's apple bob nervously. A heavy feeling grew in my stomach.

"Mae... I um, I'll be joining the war. I've been registered for weeks." I suddenly felt very dizzy, and I stumbled backward. Archie lurched forward to catch me and set me back on the couch. Tears filled my eyes. No. This can't be happening. Archie? Going to war? Just like dad?

"Plea-Please." I stuttered, my vision going blurry as Archie knelt in front of me. "Please don't go. I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I've been rotten, or if I did something wrong. Come to the countryside with us. I won't ask you for homework help, and I won't wake you up when I have nightmares. I won't be a bother at all. I'm sorry, Arch. I'm so sorry. Please don't go." My shoulders shuddered while I choked out my words, clutching Archie's shirt at the shoulders.

Archie's face was masked with pain as he shushed me and placed his hands on my cheeks, wiping my tears. "Macey, you haven't done anything wrong! I'm not doing this as some sort of punishment!" He sighed and moved his hands to grip my knees. "I'm of age. Mae. It's my duty to serve my country. I have to do this."

I whispered, "I can't lose you. Not like I've lost Dad." Arch clenched his jaw and raised to scoop me into his arms. My fingers wrapped around his shirt as he stroked my hair and pressed gentle kisses onto it. I could practically feel the pity-filled gaze of the Pevensies, but at the moment I didn't care. It was Archie that mattered right now.

"I really don't have a choice, Bug." He muttered against my skin. "I've got to go." I sobbed harder at this, pulling at his shirt to draw him closer.

He unclenched my hands from the fabric of his shirt and wiped my tears again, giving me a wry smile. Taking his arms from around me, he rolled up a sleeve to reveal his leather bracelet. Dad gave it to him before he went off to fight. Archie untied the leather from his wrist and transferred it to mine, adjusting it to my size. My eyes fixated on it. I realized there was no convincing him. Archie had to go.

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