15 - (Years Later)

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Blonde wisps obscured my vision as I rode on the back of Adrian. The Pevensies and I were out on the hunt for the White Stag. Hunt is a loosely used term, as there is no real intention of harming the animal.

It has long been foretold that anyone who is skilled enough to catch the White Stag will be granted their greatest wish, and I believe that the other Queens and Kings have a similar wish as I: peace for Narnia.

Word had earlier reached Cair Paravel that the White Stag was spotted in the Western Woods. Oreius and I had recently studied the stars to see that a great change was anticipated, and we hoped to bring this great change by capturing the stag.

As we rode on, I heard Edmund speak softly to his horse behind me. I looked to my left and took notice that he and Philip were no longer at my side. Adrian and I turned back, soon joined by the rest of the Pevensies. Edmund was patting Philip's neck with a concerned look.

I took the moment to admire Ed. He had grown into quite the gentleman. I suppose we've all grown in the time since our coronation. It felt like an entire lifetime ago.

Lucy's horse clopped next to mine, stopping as Lucy laughed.

"Come on, Ed." She urged. She was twenty-six now, and she had grown quite beautifully.

"Just catching my breath." Edmund's deep voice answered as he smiled at me and Lu. Susan chuckled.

"That's all we'll catch at this rate!" She exclaimed. Her dark locks swirled down, nearly to her waist. She was, perhaps, the most beautiful woman in Narnia.

"What did he say again, Susan?" I asked, joining on the teasing. Susan laughed.

"You girls wait in the castle. I'll get the stag myself." She lowered her voice to try and match Edmund's. We all laughed heartily.

Peter scratched at his beard, clearly anxious to continue the chase. His attention turned to something behind Lucy and me. "What's this?" He asked, dismounting his horse and approaching a strange-looking tree.

We all followed. Edmund came to my side and grabbed my hand, sending a shiver down my spine. I tried not to let it bother me. All of the fifteen years in Narnia and I still haven't been able to confess my true feelings for him. As I've matured now, I can definitely say that I am truly and utterly in love with Edmund Pevensie.

As well all gathered around the strange-looking pole, Peter raised an eyebrow at my reaction. He hasn't left me alone about my feelings since the day of our coronation. I simply stuck my tongue out to him and turned to Susan as she spoke.

"As if from a dream.." She had trailed off.

"Or a dream of a dream." Lucy continued.

Something connected in my head. "Spare Oom!" I let go of Edmund's hand and raced between two trees.

"Macey!" Peter called.

"Come on!" I shouted back.

"Not again." I heard Edmund grumble.

As I pushed through branches and trees, a pain in my head flared, but no matter my discomfort, there was something tugging at me that told me to keep moving. I felt Edmund catch up and grab my hand again.

"These aren't branches." He noticed.

"Oh, ow!"

"They're coats." Susan spoke.

"Ed, move it!"

"You're on my toes!"

"Don't shove!"

"I'm not shoving, she is."

"Peter, that's my hair!" I shouted. My head was pounding now, I felt as if I were spinning out of control.

"I'm sorry!" He yelled back. I twisted back and fell into Edmund's arms, clutching at my head. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist protectively, but something felt different.

With a final shove from behind, we all went tumbling through a door and onto a hard wooden floor. I picked myself up from beside Edmund and nearly screamed as I saw his fourteen-year-old face looking back at me. I looked down at my hands, then to the other Pevensies. We looked exactly as we did when we first entered Narnia.

The door latch of the spare room shook as the Professor poked his head in and entered.

"Oh! There you are." He smiled. "What were you all doing in the wardrobe?"

Peter laughed as we all shared a look. "You wouldn't believe us if we told you, sir."

The Professor threw a cricket ball to Peter, who caught it, gaping. "Try me." He challenged.

That night, my eyes fluttered open as I heard Lucy crawl out of her bed and slip out of the room. I turned over, seeing that the candle was gone. I sighed and shook my head, knowing exactly where she was headed. I swung my legs over the bed and placed my bare feet on the ground, deciding that I would take a walk as well. It's not like I was sleeping anyway.

I crept out of the room, Susan twisting in her sheets as I shut the door behind me. I walked in the opposite direction of Lucy, not quite ready to face the spare room again so soon.

I let out a sigh as I slid onto a windowsill in the study. My hand subconsciously raised to my chest to fiddle with my necklace, but nothing was there.

"I guess you can't take anything out of Narnia, huh?" Edmund came around the corner, a lit candle in his hand. I shook my head lightly.

"I'm so sorry Ed. I lost it." I whispered.

Edmund came to my side and gently grabbed my hand. "It's not your fault, Mae. None of us knew we were coming back. Frankly, I don't believe any of us wanted to come back. Anyway, your fourteenth birthday is coming up again. I'll replace it." He smiled.

I shook my head. "Thank you, Ed, but nothing can replace it. It was Narnia that made it so special." Edmund nodded at my words. We sat in silence for a while before I broke it.

"Do you think we'll ever go back?" I asked. Tears had surfaced, and Edmund quickly raised his hand to wipe them from my face. He left his hand resting on my cheek and I leaned into it.

"I think we will." He answered. "Aslan isn't through with us yet. I just hope the Narnians are all right without us."

I nodded. "Me too. I hope we go back soon."

Soft footsteps brought our attention to the hall that Edmund had entered through. Peter and Susan stood at the threshold, hugging their robes to themselves. They were both teary-eyed as well.

The Professor and Lucy appeared as well from the direction of the spare room. "It will be when you least expect it." The Professor spoke wisely.

I nodded as Susan, Lucy, and Peter made our way to Edmund and me and swallowed us in a hug. We sat together and told the Professor our story, reminiscing on our experience back home.

I can't wait to go back.

Our Angel - E. Pevensie [1]Where stories live. Discover now