2- First date

91 2 0

word count- 1476

Joshua Dun. A handsome, red haired tattooed man. He was a small business owner, owning a very successful bakery in downtown LA. Of course Brendon had looked him up, the name had sounded familiar, and as it turned out, Brendon and Ryan frequently visited.

The three had a nice conversation to start out, seeing nothing went wrong, and Ryan made sure to ask how old he was- even after googling him.

I'd love to meet up sometime,

When would work best for you two?


Tuesday, I've got to work this weekend

and Ryan tutors mondays

with kids at the school

How about tuesday

2:30 at the Olive garden down on 31st?

Ryan says that'll be perfect.

Cant wait ;)

Quite honestly, Brendon and Ryan were excited. They really wanted this one to work, even though they'd said that with most if not all the men they'd been with. But this one- although it excited them, terribly frightened them too. The sign of a good relationship in the works? Maybe. However, until they actually had arrived, the car ride was quiet.

Car rides usually involved music, whatever was on the radio, or some Spotify playlist, brendon would sing- and ryan loved the sound of his voice. Really, they both had good voices, they just didn't put them to use.

"Bren," They finally said, the first thing said in the thirty minute drive. "Are you as nervous as I am?" Brendon had nodded, Ryan's hand absentmindedly going to caress brendons bisep, eventually holding his hand on the center console.

When they had arrived at the Olive Garden, there was no need to sit in the car for a few minutes, there was no need to be afraid, because they had each other. Sure, they were both nervous. They simply tightened their grip on each other's hands and entered the restaurant. By now they were used to the stares they got. They were used to the comments, and the judgement and the ridiculing looks. Everyone was a stranger so it was fine. No big deal. Yeah, no big deal.

They occupied themselves by looking at the menu, not really saying anything. Ryan had ordered a root beer, brendon a water with lemon. It'd been a long time since they'd had a soda. The habit was broken in high school, when they'd first gotten together.

Ryan has learned not to fall into little space while on these dates, even though it seemed like a given, it was difficult.

Brendon was the one who waved him over, a smile spreading across both their faces, Ryan hadn't looked up yet until Josh was at their table. They smiled, a pursed lip smile, for they were still nervous about the whole ordeal.

"I have the right people, yes?" Josh's voice broke the silence, and Ryan swore their heart swelled right there, a slight blush came across their cheeks, their hand loosening on brendons.

"Yeah," Brendon stood up to properly greet Josh, "Should I shake your hand or give you a hug?" They both chuckled, and Ryan almost let out a pity laugh just to feel included. They ended up shaking hands, it looked formal, but a hug would've been like they were old friends.

"I'm Josh, but you knew that," Josh said to Ryan after sitting down and ordering an unsweetened iced tea. "You're Ryan I'm presuming?" Ryan nodded, muttering an affirmation. Brendon saw Josh purse his lips at that and got a little defensive over his little, pulling him closer by their hip, a soft blush settling on their cheeks as they continued to look through the menu.

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