4- brunch

56 3 0

word count- 1870

triggers- anxiety attack, talk of sexual innuendos

this one is just long, the rest might not be like this but I like the long chapters yk?

When Brendon wakes, he's alone. Remembering the events of last night he sits up too quickly for his liking, waiting a moment to calm the black and white fuzzy dots that have blurred his vision. As Brendon called for Ryan, he tried to remain calm, not knowing what he'd walk in on. Was Ryan crying hysterically? Were they little? Did they even remember last night?

What he wasn't expecting was Ryan peacefully sitting on the floor eating breakfast and watching cartoons.

"Josh is coming over in a few hours." Brendon said, sitting on the end of the couch, his feet on Ryan's head.

"Why?" Ryan paused whatever tv show they were watching and looked to their boyfriend, a small glimmer in their eyes brendon knew too well.

"Well little prince," Brendon motioned for the mentally-younger to come up onto his lap which Ryan did graciously, "some stuff happened last night between you and josh and we need to talk about it the three of us."

"Bad stuffs?" Brendon shook his head.

"You aren't in trouble little, but you do need to be big for this okay?" Ryan nodded and turned back to their cartoons, their mind drifting to what could've happened last night. Honestly they didn't remember, maybe they didn't want to open that up again until they could have Josh and Brendon there to help them. That was a recurring image in their head, Josh and Brendon both there holding their hands, both cuddling them, being able to give kisses on both their doms cheeks.

While it was normal for Ryan to get attached to someone (Brendon did too, usually a lot easier than Ryan did) this was new. Both parties knew it. Hell, Ryan had admitted it to Brendon about a week prior.

When it was an hour till eleven, Brendon suggested they get dressed before the whole ordeal. He was met by an affirming okay by the little- who still had yet to be big again. But Brendon didn't mind, after not being in headspace for so long it was only fair to not want to come out of it, and Brendon wouldn't punish them if they didn't, it was their safe space.

After an excessive amount of back and forth- to which little ry was put in a five minute time out- the two were finally ready when Josh arrived. Ryan settled on a light pink skirt with a grey NASA short sleeve tucked into the skirt and Brendon threw on a pair of grey jeans and a nicer red hot chili peppers tee than his original "lemon man" t-shirt.

They (Brendon mainly, Ryan was little for most of it) set out the food- mac and cheese, potatoes, watermelon and set out water.

When Josh knocked on the door and entered with a hug and a hello, then little Ryan remembered. They remembered so quickly what had happened the night before that they were thrown out of little space and into an in-between state of mind.

They weren't an adult. They weren't a child. They weren't even Ryan really.

They fell back onto the floor slowly. Not focusing on anything but the conversations lightly coming back to mind. Their breathing was heavy, and they looked around at their hands violently, which continued to shake as hard as their head, as their breath quickened even more. They might have been saying things but the words they said made no sense to anyone except them.

They couldn't believe the things they said to Josh last night. It was pathetic. They couldn't even turn to their own caregiver for help, they had to go straight to Josh.

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