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Kimberly didn't get to spend much with Ron, considering he was studying with Harry and Hermione for their Apparition test and - according to Hermione - trying time figure out if Draco was the Half-Blood Prince or not. One weekend while the Sixth years who would turn seventeen by the time of the Apparition test went to Hogsmeade, Kimberly was stuck studying for her N.E.W.T.'s.

"Your fault for taking three N.E.W.T. classes," said Jane.

Kimberly sighed, resting her head onto the table, eyeing the notebook on the side. She was thoroughly surprised when Ron gifted her a notebook he had bought while out with his friends.

He had found her in the library after Hermione reminded him where she was. He handed it to her but didn't indulge her on anything before he was scurrying away.

"You're staring at the notebook again," commented Jane, lazily.

Kimberly huffed. "Okay, and what? It's a nice notebook."

"Given to you by a nice boy?" teased Sally.

"Weasley, nice?" Jane scoffed. "Have you heard me speak before? I'm surprised he and Potter don't get into fights more often."

"Hey, Sixth year is a tough year. Don't blame Ron for his mood swings at the beginning of the year. Besides, remember last year when we got into that fight and you ripped out a chunk of my hair and I smacked you?"

Jane grunted. "And Sally had to sing us to sleep with her voice."

Sally smiled at that memory. "It was quite fun for me."

"Glad you had fun," remarked Jane.

Sally giggled. "Loads of fun. Besides, you two had it coming. Kim had four N.E.W.T.'s last year, you had that whole affair with your parents, and we still had band practice. Don't forget about the Order affairs as well," she whispered.

Kimberly sighed. "Last year really was the worst."

"You don't have to tell me twice. Even if I'm not in the Order - Bugger off, you idiots who believe all Slytherins are evil - my parents were a pain in my arse," grumbled Jane. "A stupid arranged marriage with Zabini? I don't like him."

"You don't like males," Sally corrected.

"Neither do you. Granger?" Jane questioned.

Sally raised an eyebrow. "Parkinson?"

"Jane, I think I've figured it out," interrupted Kimberly.

"What's that?"

"You know how to pick a fight with practically everyone," Kimberly teased.

Jane rolled her eyes. "You lot can't handle my attitude."

"We can. That's why we stick around. Imagine if we couldn't. You'd be an absolute loner," said Sally.

"Sod off."

UNSPOKEN WORDS. ❪ Ron Weasley ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now