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I was walking along when I heard a sob coming from dark place-- near the garbage bin

I saw a girl sitting and hugging her knees while preventing her sobs to stop

"Hey, you okay?" I asked

Her eyes turned to me and I saw how puffy her eyes are. 

"No, I'm not. I disappointed my parents by having low grades in academics" she said while shaking her head hardly

I bend my knees to face her and plastered a curve on my lips to assure her that everything's gonna be alright

"You know, having that and disappointing your parents doesn't mean you are a black sheep in the family. Humans naturally do failures and I think that's good. Cause you have something, and that's motivation" 

I stood up straight and fix the stethoscope on my neck.

"Hey, self. Stand up. You will do great things that will make your parents be proud of you" I smiled and walk away

I may be failed my parents a hundred times but here I am. 

Wearing a white robe and a stethoscope with M,D on my name.

Arts Of FragmentsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon