Puppy (Scomark)

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Scott sat down on the couch, and curled into a ball.

His boyfriend, Mark, looked over at him.

"Princess, what is it?"

"Nothing," Scott said curtly.

Mark frowned. There was something wrong, but he figured he'd just let Scott calm down.

He got up and left the room. Scott remained on the couch.

Mark decided that, in order to make Scott feel better, he first had to figure out what was wrong.

To do that, he called Mitch. Scott had been with him twenty minutes ago, working, so he had to know what was wrong.

"Hey," Mitch said.

"Hi," Mark said. "So, what's wrong with Scott? He's in a mood."

Mitch laughed. "I like the way you say that. He's stressed. I would call it sensory overload. Send him to bed, and let him calm down. He'll feel better later. Maybe get him something sweet to encourage that."

"Okay," Mark said. "Thanks."

"It's fine," Mitch said. "Bye."

"Bye," Mark said.


Mark headed into the living room.

"Princess," he said, and Scott looked at him with an irritated look.

"Why don't you go to bed?" Mark suggested. "I think it would be good for you."

Scott shook his head. "I'm not tired."

"Well, I'm going to watch something in here, so you might as well find something to do, like going to bed."

Scott groaned. "Fine."

He got up and left, and Mark sat down. He felt bad for Scott.

After a minute, he stood outside the bedroom door. He could hear music playing softly, so he knew Scott was in there.

He left the house. This wasn't something to do on a whim, but they had discussed it before, and there was no better time.


Scott eventually started to feel less stressed, and he realized that he was, in fact, tired. He got under the blankets, and went to sleep.

He woke up to the smell of food. It was familiar. Mark had probably made this before.

He stretched, and groaned when he heard several pops. He felt old, but that felt good.

A moment later, there was a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Do you feel better?" Mark asked, sounding amused. "Did you break anything? It sounded like you did."

Scott laughed. "I just stretched. I'm alright. Are you cooking?"

"Yes, can I come in?" Mark asked him. "I have a surprise."

"Okay," Scott said.

Mark walked into the room, with a blanket in his arms. Or it looked like a blanket, until it moved.

Scott gasped. "Is that a dog?"

"It's a golden retriever," Mark said happily. "It's only a puppy. She doesn't have a name yet. What should we call her?"

Scott stared at him. "You just up and adopted a dog?"

Mark shrugged. "We have room for it. And it's not like we've never discussed it before."

Scott frowned. "You shouldn't have done that,"  he said. Then, he looked at the puppy's face. "Well, I don't mind," he said.

Mark smiled. "Yay!" he said. "I got the dog because you were stressed."

Scott started petting the dog. "We can name her, right?"

Mark nodded. "I was thinking name her after some kind of food," he said. "Something the same color as her."

"Like honey," Scott said.

"I don't know," Mark said. "I was thinking Peaches."

"Peaches is a good name," Scott said.

Mark smiled. "Then Peaches it is. Now, you play with her, and I'll finish dinner."

"Okay," Scott said.

Mark chuckled as he left the room. The puppy was cute, but Scott was even cuter when he got excited like that.


Thought I'd start with a wholesome one.

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