Sweet Dreams pt. 3 (Scomiche)

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Scott appeared directly outside of the brick building this time around.

But now, he was in a calm field. The brick building was right in front of him.

He shrugged, walking inside.

The man was sitting on the couch. Scott sat across from him.

"What's my name?" he asked.

"Mitch," Scott replied.

The man nodded, smiling. "My name is Mitch. Now, from now on, I'll always exist in your dreams until I exist. Alright?"

Scott frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you'll always approach me," Mitch told him. "No matter what, even if you aren't sure it's a dream. I'll always be essential to your dreams."

"Okay," Scott said, puzzled.

"Now," Mitch said. "Go outside."

Scott went outside, and stepped into a busy city.

He frowned. This looked like those ruins in places like Italy.

He heard people talking around him. He didn't recognize the language. It made him think of the Latin he heard in church.

Scott looked at the mountain not far from the city, and frowned. What that an incredibly thin line of smoke? The faintest glow...?"

His stomach sank.

He was in the empire of Ancient Rome.

That was probably Mount Vesuvius. 

Scott turned and ran, not knowing where he was going or what he would do once he got there.

He didn't remember anything beyond that. Just waking up, and getting ready for work.


Mitch was right.

Every night, Scott would encounter him in a dream. And most of the time, he seemed to rescue him from various situations.

One time, they got away from a murderer.

"Why are your dreams so dark lately?" Mitch asked, leaning against the wall.

Scott took a moment to regain his breath.

"I watched a horror movie."

Mitch chuckled. "Finish getting your breath, and we need to keep moving. He'll find us before too long. I can get you to a safe place. And after this, don't watch horror movies. I don't have the time to know these things any more."

Scott frowned. "What do you mean?"

Mitch's mouth formed a little o of surprise.

"Well, I mean, I used to watch over you all the time," he admitted. "I would normally be with you. I've also been appearing in your dreams for a while, without you knowing until recently."

"You've been spying?" Scott asked.

"Not spying, per se," Mitch said. "Think of it like, well, a guardian angel."

"I could see you being an angel," Scott said.

Mitch chuckled. Scott didn't see the woman sitting in the shadows, frowning. Maybe he was too observant. Maybe she needed to encourage the process to be sped up.


What do you think Mitch meant by "until I exist?" Why do you think the woman thought Scott was too observant, and who was she?

Comment your answers here. -->

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