Cake Balls (Scomiche)

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Scott could not bake or cook.

Of course, he couldn't do lots of other things, but Mitch was more than happy to take care of him.

Scott felt sometimes that he couldn't do enough to thank Mitch for all that he did. He worked a lot, and it made Mitch's life easier, but his friend still had to do so much.

Scott wanted to repay Mitch. He had watched him cook, and he didn't want to try it. It looked hard. But, he had also watched Mitch bake, and that looked much easier.

But he didn't want to use a mix. He wanted to make cake balls, his favorite desert. Mitch was amazing at them, and Scott thought it looked pretty easy to make them.

Mitch was hanging out with Kirstin, so Scott could have the house to himself for a few hours. He figured, therefore, that this was a good time to attempt cake balls.

Scott went into the kitchen, and found Mitch's recipe. He looked in their pantry. They had everything he needed. 

Scott got out all the ingredients, and started working on making the cake balls.

Very quickly, he discovered that it was not so easy.

Still, he wanted to surprise Mitch, and he wanted to finish this. He had already started, after all.

Scott did finish making the cake balls. He iced them, let them cool, and waited for Mitch.


Mitch returned home around twenty minutes later, and smiled when he saw Scott sitting on the couch.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi, Mitch," Scott said. "I have a surprise for you."

"Oh, fun," Mitch said, sitting down. "What is it?"

"I made cake balls!" Scott said, and watched a look of real fear cross Mitch's face.

"What?" he asked, disheartened.

"Oh, nothing," Mitch said. "I'm sure they're wonderful. I'll try one."

"Okay," Scott said. "They should be cool."

"Oh, we can ice them together!" Mitch said.

Scott frowned. "I've already iced them."

Mitch stared at him. "Did you ice them before they cooled?"

Scott nodded. "Should I have waited?"

"Yes, but it doesn't matter now," Mitch said.

They went into the kitchen, and Scott handed Mitch a cake ball. He could see why they shouldn't have been iced so early.

Mitch bit into the cake ball, while Scott watched anxiously.

"It's good," Mitch said. Scott didn't believe him. He had seen his sisters make that face while convincing their babies that the baby food was good.

Scott grabbed a cake ball and bit it. "It's awful," he said, sad.

"But it tastes good because you tried," Mitch said. "I think it's good, anyway. I love you for trying these. But maybe leave the cake balls to the expert next time? Use a mix if you want to make me a desert."

"Okay," Scott said.

Mitch smiled at him. "Thank you for attempting them," he said.

"You're welcome," Scott said. Mitch nodded, taking another reluctant bite.


I thought this seemed like a cute idea.

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