Elevator (Scirstie)

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Scott had always had some claustrophobia. It was problematic because of how large his body was. But he could deal with it. He just tried to avoid small spaces. It wasn't too difficult.

When he was in small spaces for short periods of time, everything was alright. So he was only mildly worried when stepping into an elevator after swimming in the hotel pool with Kirstie.

"So, Mitchie will be waiting for us at the floor," she said. "I'm pretty sure he wants to see you soaking wet in your swim trunks." She giggled, and Scott glared at her.

"What?" she asked. "Are you gonna deny Mitch is attracted to you?"

Scott rolled his eyes. "That's not why he's waiting for us."

"You don't know," she said. "How do you know that's not it?"

"Because he knows I'm faithful," Scott said. "I have a boyfriend, you know."

Kirstin shrugged.

Suddenly, they heard an ominous sound. Scott froze, and Kirstin looked around.

"What was that?" she asked.

"I'm not sure," Scott said anxiously.

"There's no motion anymore," she said. She pressed the button to open the doors. Nothing moved. They were stuck.

Scott leaned heavily on the side of the elevator. They were in such a tiny space, with no way to get out. There was only so much air here, and two people who needed it. They could only be here so long, and he had no idea how long they would be here.

He spiraled into these thoughts, and it was a sudden warmth that brought him back into reality.

He looked down, and realized he was sitting now, with his back against the side of the elevator. Kirstin was in his lap, with her arms around his neck rubbing his back, and her body pressed against his. He held her back, and she looked up at him.

"Are you okay, Scott?" Kirstin asked. "I need to use the emergency phone and bring help here. Can I leave you to your own devices for a minute? I'll be right back."

Scott nodded. Kirstin rose and walked to a small latch on the wall. She opened the alcove, and started tapping at it. Scott stopped paying attention. He was worrying again, and his breath began to fade. He gasped for air, but it didn't come.

He had already realized that there wasn't enough oxygen to sustain them forever, but he didn't think they would use it so quickly.

Of course, he was still capable of reason, but only at an entirely conscious level. He couldn't help panicking. It wasn't something he could control. Claustrophobia took over his mind.

He didn't realize he had zoned out again until Kirstin pulled his head into her lap. He turned, looking up at her. She smiled at him, stroking his hair.

"We're alright, dear," Kirstin said soothingly. "I've called for help, and someone will come to rescue us soon. Okay, baby?"

Scott nodded silently.

They were in the elevator for about ten more minutes. After then, the doors were slowly opened. Kirstin perked up, and the motion made Scott open his eyes.

He sat up, and Kirstin jumped to her feet. Scott followed her, and they were both ready by the time the doors had been wrenched open far enough.

All the other members of Pentatonix were standing there. Mitch was on the phone, talking to someone, but he seemed to forget all about it. He held out his arms, and Scott ran to him.

Mitch wrapped his arms protectively around him, kissing the top of his head.

"Everything will be okay," he whispered. "I'll make sure you're okay." He held out the phone as Scott stepped back. "Your boyfriend is on the phone and he's worried about you."

Scott took the phone, and Mitch took his hand to lead him to their bedroom as he answered.

"Hi, baby," he said.

"Princess, are you okay?" Mark demanded immediately.

"Yes," Scott said. "I am. I had Kirstin there to take care of me. She's a comforting presence."

Mark chuckled. "Okay, sweetie. I was worried about you, but I'm glad you're safe. You should nap now. I know you were freaking out, and it didn't help the exhaustion from swimming."

"Yeah, I'll go to bed," he said, rewrapping the towel around his shoulders. He was freezing.

Mitch looked over. "You're taking a bath first. I won't let you go to bed cold and wet."

Scott just nodded. A warm bath sounded good.


About half an hour later, Scott was sitting on his bed, wrapped in warm pajamas as Mitch blow-dryed his hair. A knock came at the door, then it opened. Mitch had put a rubber band on the lock so people could come in for work.

"Hi, Kirstie," Scott said, grinning at her.

She was also wearing fuzzy clothes, but they were daytime clothes. He assumed she wasn't so tired because she had been perfectly calm in the elevator.

Mitch looked up. "Hey," he said. "Scotty's going to bed. I just don't want his pillow to get wet. I guess you're not?"

"Well, I'm going to lie down, but I don't like pajama pants. They get twisted too easily. So I'm wearing sweatpants, but the shirt is for bed. Ben wants to cuddle anyway, so I'll be plenty warm." She giggled. "I see we both had the same idea. I took a hot bath too. I was freezing from being drenched in my bikini for, like, fifteen minutes after being out of the pool. I feel better."

Scott smiled at her. "Thanks for taking care of me in the elevator, by the way."

Kirstin smiled back at him. "Anytime, doll. I love you, you know that."

Mitch unplugged the hair dryer, and returned it to the bathroom. Scott stood up and hugged Kirstin.

"I love you, too," he whispered to her.


I like this one. Tell me if you agree!

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