Protective (Kirvin/Scomiche)

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Kevin had always been protective of Kirstie.

They met as children, and he found her to be innocent and childish. She needed to be taken care of, to be protected. And he took it upon himself to guard her against the world's cruelty as long as possible.

Now, in high school, he continued doing that as much as possible. They were in separate classes a lot, but at least the one class Kirstin had with a bully was also shared with Kevin.

This other boy, Matt, needed someone to just beat him up. But he was tall and strong. No one would hurt him, and Kevin was a lover, not a fighter. He'd fight anyone to defend Kirstie, but she was in no danger. Matt hadn't said anything to her yet.

One day, the teacher stopped partway through her lesson.

"I have to go to a meeting," she told the class. "I'll be back before class finishes. Do your worksheets. They'll explain what I haven't, and we'll do a couple minutes of review tomorrow to make sure you've all got it."

With that, she turned around, leaving the room.

Immediately, Matt got up, approaching Kirstie.

"Hey," he said. Kevin tensed, ready to protect her.

"Hi," she said, not looking up from her worksheet. She covered her answers.

Matt frowned. "Don't you trust me?"

"No, not really," she said. "I wouldn't trust anyone, though. Plenty of people try to cheat off of me. And I won't stand for it."

"Well, I'm not doing that," Matt said. "Anyway, will you go out with me?"

"No; you're a jerk," she said.

"I've always been so sweet to you," Matt said.

"If you have to say you're nice, you probably aren't," she said, still not looking at him.

Matt was becoming visibly frustrated. A smile danced across her lips. She knew.

"I don't like being told no," Matt said.

"And I don't like being told I can't say no," Kirstin replied.

"I'd treat you well!" he said.

"Then treat me well now," she advised. "Leave me alone. I have a potential boyfriend, and I don't have time for people who see me as a vending machine, exchanging love for basic decency. This, by the way, is not even basic decency. Please go away."

Matt snorted. "Whatever. I was just flirting because I felt bad for you. No one will ever want you, if you can't recognize a good guy. You know what you are?" He leaned down to whisper in her ear, and she looked at him, rolling her eyes.

"You know what you are? Rude. Please quit talking to me. That's a very offensive word. It refers to people who date around a whole lot, and I don't do that." She turned back to her worksheet. "And you wonder why you're single."

Matt grabbed her by the hair, forcing her to look at him, and hit her. She gasped, covering her face.

Kevin leapt up, running to Matt.

"You don't get to hurt girls who did nothing wrong," he growled, grabbing the other boy by the collar.

Matt's eyes widened. He seemed to have forgotten the rule most people in their grade knew: don't hurt Kirstin, or you'll face Kevin's wrath.

"I-I didn't know that she was under your protection," he stammered out.

"So you thought you were attacking a defenseless girl?" Kevin asked. "That's low, really low. It's lower than hurting someone you know is safe." He pinned Matt against the wall beside them, and punched the wall.

The brick he punched spider-webbed slightly, and Matt turned his head, looking horrified.

"Stop hurting people who haven't done anything wrong, or the wall won't be the only thing that's broken," he threatened.

Matt nodded, shaking.

Kevin let go of the other boy, and he crumpled to the ground. Kevin ignored him, turning to Kirstie.

"Are you okay?" he asked, touching her face lightly.

"He just bruised my pride," she said, smiling. She winced when he touched her cheek, and sighed. "And I guess my face will bruise later."

Kevin nodded. They always met up after school, so he could take her home to tend to the bruise.


Sure enough, there was a red spot on her cheek that afternoon.

"This bothers me," he said, touching her face.

She whined, and he pulled away.

"Should I bring you home to see if we can do anything?" he asked. "It looks like it's starting to swell a bit."

She nodded, walking with him to his car.

Meanwhile, two other students stood watching them.

"That's a crazy story," Scott said. "I wish I was there to see it."

"Oh, he looked so scary in that moment," Mitch said. "It was attractive."

Scott chuckled. "If you're going to chase after guys like that, make sure you get a Kevin, not a Matt."

Mitch nodded, laughing at that. "Okay."

Scott wrapped his arms around him. "And, maybe a me?"

Mitch looked up at him, and smiled. "Would you do what Kevin did for Kirstin?"

"Yes," Scott said, without even hesitating. "I would."

Mitch giggled, reaching up to peck him on the lips. "Okay."


I just thought the little Scomiche moment would be nice at the end of this.

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