The Vessel pt. 3 (Scomark)

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The ship in the title is not an accident. You'll see why it has that.


Scott really enjoyed his therapy lessons. He enjoyed them too much, in a way.

Mitch assumed the blond was just happy to be getting better, and he really was. He figured it was a good thing that he was so excited. 

Of course, he had no idea what the truth was.

Scott was entirely smitten.

Of course, this didn't occur to him either. Only Mark noticed it.

"Well," he said one day. "It looks like our session is about up. Do you want to go back to Mitch? He's still bringing you here, right?"

Scott nodded. "He's still bringing me. But I don't want to be done!"

Mark chuckled. "Alright, I'll ask you another question. But let's not worry Mitch, so this is the last one. Now, do you feel like you still need him to bring you here?"

Scott nodded. "I'm a lot better, but not entirely. Maybe we need longer sessions, so I can get better faster!"

Mark laughed again. Then, he saw Scott's eyes and stopped laughing immediately. That was a look of love, and he didn't want it.

"Scott, do you want me to walk with you to the waiting room?" he asked.

Scott nodded eagerly. "Still not ready to be done."

"Well, we are," Mark said. "You'll be happier when I get you back to Mitch."

Scott nodded hesitantly. The two walked to the waiting area.

"Mitch, can I talk to you alone?" Mark asked.

"Sure," Mitch replied. 

"Let's go into my office," Mark suggested. The pair went into the room.

"What do you need?" Mitch asked, sitting on the couch.

Mark sighed. "You might not take very well to this, but I've been watching the way Scott acts around me, and I believe he may have a crush," he said. "It's perfectly normal for patients to develop a crush on their therapists, but it may not be good. He may need a different therapist."

Mitch stared at him. "You're joking."

"I'm being perfectly honest," Mark told him.

Mitch sighed. "Okay," he said, getting up. "Well, I can't be with someone who has a crush on someone else."

"I do not feel the same way," Mark told him. "I simply thought you would like to know."

"I would," Mitch said. "Thank you."

With that, the brunette left.


Scott was going to therapy twice a week, so it was only a few days before Mitch decided it was time to confront him.

"Scott, your therapist says you have a crush on him," he said. "I can see it. I don't like it."

Scott stared at him. "I don't."

"I think you do," Mitch said. "What is it? What does he have that I don't?"

Scott sighed. "You never talk about my interests or anything like that," he said.

Mitch frowned. "I can. And I do sometimes."

"What's my favorite flavor of cake?" Scott quizzed.

Mitch thought about it. "Chocolate?" he guessed.

"I don't even like cake," Scott said. "What's my favorite color?"

Mitch hesitated. "I have no idea."

Scott sighed. "Favorite alcoholic drink?"

"Wine?" Mitch asked. There was a lot of hope in that word.

Scott shook his head. "You don't really know anything about me. Mark could answer all those questions correctly. So, it's not something he has; it's so many things he knows."

Mitch sighed angrily. "I'm going to talk to him before your session, so let's go now."

The two went to the car, and into the building. Mitch went to Mark's office.

"Oh, hi," he said. "I was expecting Scott."

"What do I do about this crush he has?" Mitch asked.

"You should ask if there's anything you can do to avoid it becoming worse," Mark said.

"He says it's because you know so much more about him," Mitch said.

Mark laughed. "That's my job," he said.

"I don't like this," Mitch grumbled.

Mark sighed. "Can Scott support himself?" he asked.

Mitch blinked. "What?"

"If you're really too unhappy, then you could end the relationship you have with Scott," Mark said. "But I wouldn't advise that unless he has some way to support himself."

Mitch sighed. "If I leave him, he can always stay with a friend," he said. "Or we could continue living together. I may have to do that."

"Okay," Mark said. "If it'll be better for you, then do that." He sighed. This would not be good for Scott's anxiety.


I didn't know how to end this, so here you go.

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