Call (Matt x Sarah)

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I have no idea what their ship name is, so I'll just say this.

This is a special story because Matt's girlfriend just got into law school.


Sam Sallee was at school.

He was in sixth grade, and he was feeling weird.

He went up to the teacher's desk, abandoning his assignment.

"I feel like I'm going to throw up," he said.

The teacher gave him a horrified look. 

"Go to the nurse, get out of my room," she said, grabbing a yellow sheet of paper from her stack and filling it out.

Sam took the sheet, and went to the nurse.


He sat down while she tended to another student for a few minutes.

Suddenly, he leapt up and went to the bathroom, throwing up.

When he got back to the main room, he sat back in the chair, and the nurse went more quickly to him.

"You'll go home," she said. "Where should I call your mom?"

"She's probably at work," Sam answered. "My dad's always at home. Call him."

"Where does she work?" the nurse pressed.

Sam sighed, and told her the law firm. "But my dad's a house-husband, and she's a lawyer She's busy."

"Who do I ask for?" the nurse asked, looking in the phone book.

"Sarah Sallee," Sam said.

The nurse called the law firm. "Hi," she said. "Can I talk to Sarah Sallee?"

"Yeah," the receptionist said. "One minute, please."

The nurse held the phone up until Sam heard his mom's voice.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Your son threw up at school; this is the nurse. Can someone pick him up, please?"

Sam could hear the displeasure in his mom's voice. "Can I talk to Sam?"

The nurse gave the phone to Sam.

"I told her to call dad, and she refused," Sam said.

"It's okay, Sammy," Sarah said. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," Sam said. "I'm fine."

"Good," Sarah said. "Just hang on for a few minutes. You'll be picked up. Can you give the phone back?"

Sam handed the phone back to the nurse. He could still hear what Sarah was saying.

"I'm in court in half an hour," she said. "I'm leaving in ten minutes for it. You should have called his dad."


Congratulations, Sarah! 🥳

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