The Vessel pt. 2 (Scomiche)

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Scott went into the therapy office. He didn't like this idea, but he knew it was necessary. Mitch said it would be good for him.

Scott went into the room, and looked around. The room was largely empty, but there was a fire, with some candles on the mantle, and a reclining chair in the middle of the room. There was also a wicker chair with a young man sitting there.

A very cute young man.

"Hi," he said, holding his hand out. "My name is Mr. Manio. And you're Scott?"

"Yes," Scott said, sitting anxiously on the reclining chair. He didn't lie down, though. He just sat on the edge, facing the therapist. Mr. Manio frowned.

"Scott, please lie down," he said. "I want you to feel comfortable. Lying down will, hopefully, make you more comfortable and willing to share things with me."

"O-okay," Scott said, and did as he was told while nervously picking at the threads in the chair. Mr. Manio frowned deeper, but the frown faded as Scott started looking around and fidgeting even more.

"Scott, do you feel like you're going to have a panic attack?" he asked.

Scott just nodded. He didn't speak.

"So," Mr. Manio started, wanting to get Scott's mind off the panic attack. "Mitch tells me you like to sing. What kind of singing do you do?"

Scott looked at him. "I like to sing just about anything," he said. "I usually sing with the piano. Sometimes Mitch and I do little duets together. It's almost my favorite thing, but I prefer to just sing to him." The blond paused. "Do I have to use your last name?"

"No, you can call me Mark," the therapist said.

"Thanks," Scott said. "Anyway, why did you ask about singing?"

"To get you comfortable, and because I want to know things about you," Mark replied. "Now, let's keep talking about you. What else do you enjoy doing?"


The two of them got to know each other during that first session, and Scott thought it went well. He went eagerly from the room to the waiting room, where Mitch was.

"Mitchie, it was great!" he said. "I wasn't as bad as I thought I would be!"

"He's good at being comforting, isn't he?" Mitch asked, smiling. "So, what do you want? Dinner at a restaurant of your choice?"

Scott nodded, and the pair of them left, discussing their little date for that night. Scott couldn't wait for his next therapy session.


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