The Vessel (Scomiche)

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Scott had terrible social anxiety.

He just hated having to interact with other people. It wasn't his fault. It was just how he was. And it was getting worse.

Mitch hated to see his boyfriend like this. He wanted to help. And so, he decided, he would.

"Babe, you need therapy," Mitch said one day. 

"No, I don't know what you mean," Scott said.

"You're in denial, for one thing." Mitch pointed out. "I mean, you can barely handle going to work. Now, if you want to quit, I can support us both."

"Okay," Scott said. "I'll turn in my two-weeks notice tomorrow."

"Okay," Mitch said. "But you still need therapy."

"I really don't," Scott told him.

"You really do," Mitch said.

Scott glared at him. "I'll do what I want."

Mitch sighed. "We'll discuss this another time," he said, walking away.


About a month later, Mitch went to talk to a therapist. He walked away with the thought in his head that Scott definitely needed therapy.

He got home, and went to their bedroom. He knew Scott would be there, and he was right.

However, just as he opened the door and went inside, the doorbell went off.

"Honey, can you get it?" Mitch asked. "I'm tired."

"I don't want to," Scott whined.

Mitch raised an eyebrow. "And why not, exactly?"

"I don't wanna!" Scott snapped.

Mitch shook his head. "If you don't think you need therapy, then you can answer the door."

The doorbell rang again. "Get it," Mitch instructed, for the last time. Scott sighed, getting up. 

But he stumbled on his way out of the room, and Mitch heard a thump a moment later.

He ran to the hallway, finding the blond on the ground, unconscious.

Mitch ran to the front door first. Just a package. The delivery person must have just left it there when they didn't answer the door. He shrugged, going back to Scott. He'd get the package later.

Mitch went to his boyfriend. He was still out, and Mitch hoped that he didn't have a brain injury.

He wet a cloth, and placed it on Scott's forehead. The blond's eyes fluttered open a moment later.

"Hi," Mitch said. "How are you?"

"I'm good," Scott mumbled.

Mitch rolled his eyes. "You'll be alright. But you aren't right now. Now, come with me, and I'll get you to bed. The door was just a package delivery, by the way. Why did you faint?"

"I was scared," Scott whispered. "I hate having to be with other people."

Mitch sighed. "Sweetie, let's go to sleep," he said. "And I want you to get professional help."

"Fine," Scott said. "I don't want it, but fine."

Mitch smiled. "You'll like the therapy."

"Okay," Scott said uncertainly.

"Now, let's sleep for now," Mitch told him. Scott just nodded and curled into him.


This is going to be a mini-series. Comment your thoughts!

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