Sweet Dreams pt. 5 (Scomiche)

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Scott was excited all day.

"Is there something happening?" one of his students asked.

Scott started. She didn't normally talk much; it wasn't easy for her.

"I have a date tonight," Scott explained. "I'm really, really excited."

She nodded. "Cool. What do we do now?"

Scott hesitated. "Let me check my sheet...."


Scott went to bed early, and was awake for several hours before he drifted into an uneasy sleep.

He finally found Mitch, but the dream was strange. It didn't seem real. The sounds were faint, the colors muted.

"Everything's weird," he said to Mitch.

"You're going to have to wait," Mitch said, closing his eyes. "You're not all the way asleep. I won't be able to bring you anywhere; your consciousness is still with your body."

Scott nodded. "Okay. What do I do?"

"I'll send you into a peaceful dream," Mitch explained. "Relax. Close your eyes. Take a walk."

Scott found himself in his bed. He got up, and went outside. The night was cool, and he started to feel tired. He eventually returned to bed, and closed his eyes.

Immediately, Scott was in a field of flowers.

Mitch was standing over him.

"That walk was good," the brunette said. "Now, it was a dream, so you were just relaxed enough to ease all the way into REM sleep."

"Thanks," Scott said. He stood up, and faced Mitch. "What now?"

Mitch smiled. "Turn around."

Scott turned, and gasped. There was a lake, clear and peaceful.

"It doesn't look very deep, does it?" Mitch asked. "But it's just because of how crystal-clear the water is. It's over one hundred feet deep, though." He paused. "I don't know the name, but you might be able to visit it in real life. It's on earth."

Scott looked past the lake, and smiled. It was a huge mansion, with pure white walls that glowed in the sunlight. The columns looked Greek; the mansion itself looked almost Italian with the shape, and the plants growing on the walls and roof, but it was all white.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Mitch asked. "Do you want to go in?"

Scott looked at him. "Yeah. Oh, heck yeah. I want to go in."

Mitch laughed, and they walked along the edge of the lake. Mitch opened the door, and Scott went in.

"There's food somewhere," Mitch said, looking around. "I know we're on top of a restaurant somewhere, so I can maybe just...."

A moment later, they walked into a dining room. Scott stared around in wonder. The room was designed with a dark palette, and it was incredible.

Food was on the table, and Scott and Mitch sat at opposite sides.

"Let's eat," Mitch said.

Scott dug in, eating quickly. He didn't get full in dreams, so he could eat to his heart's content.

Suddenly, though, he stopped. "Are you really an angel?" It seemed like a silly question, but it seemed like the only explanation for Mitch.

"Of a certain type," he replied. "I am not a religious sort of angel, like what you believe in. I am a guardian angel, I guess. I help guide the dead."

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