A Vampire's Seduction Part 4

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A Vampire's Seduction Part 4

He inches closer to my mouth and I close my eyes on instinct, waiting for the feel of his plump lips on mine. The second I feel them, something in me feels whole, complete, as if this is where I was always meant to be, in this gorgeous man's arms.

He gently grabs my thighs and lifts me up to wrap my legs around his waist. I feel him move with his arms cradled around my back and in my hair, but I have no desire to remove his mouth from mine to see where he is taking me. I trust this beautiful man with every fiber of my soul, and I know he would never willingly put me in harm's way.

Call it a hunch, call it denial, but for some reason, I trust him--everything he says and does--even when it's a little bit scary. His actions aren't human, and I realize now I had blinders on, but I can't find myself regretting a single moment with him.

He pulls me up so my ass is on one of the teeth of the turrets, hard concrete on my left and right. My ass almost hangs off the edge, and a chilling breeze skates across my back. If I were to move back a few feet, I would be falling to the ground. His strong arms are the only things keeping me grounded, and my trust in him seems unlimited.

With his hard mouth giving me bruising kisses and nips along my lips, I bring in a shuddering breath. It makes me dizzy, and I squeeze myself harder around him as his hands roam over chilled flesh. Hot and cold, like fire and ice, and I mold myself to him, seeking a sense of completeness only he can give me.

As my hands try desperately to keep him close, we're suddenly separated, and he whips off his shirt, tossing it to the ground carelessly. Skin is scratched as I run my fingers over taut shoulders, lowering to his scapula and tracing every dip and bulge as his muscles flex or relax.

His control seems to weaken, and his kisses grow hungrier as his tongue sweeps deeper into my mouth. When his whole body seems to shudder and his lips leave mine to kiss down my neck, I know he's as lost in this as I, though he stiffens right before latching onto the hard tip of my nipple before circling it with a needy tongue around my areola. My head tips back and I suck in a whimpering breath, feeling my whole body tighten and relax at the same time. It's a heady feeling, and I wonder if my desire for him will ever go away or weaken. The way his body plays mine like a fiddle, I have serious doubts about that.

With his hands kneading my ass, he bites into my flesh, the sharp pain melting into a tingling sensation as he laps up blood from his bite. The feeling is simply amazing, much more pleasurable as he is taking his sustenance directly from an erogenous zone. I want to weep with the amount of delight it inflicts on me, but I can barely choke out a moan as his incisors retract from the sensitive skin.

As he continues to lap at my flesh, I can only breathe deeply, the intense pleasure of his bite still wreaking havoc on my system as it curls through me, almost peaking into a climax--and that was just from his teeth slicing through flesh.

I hear the rasp of a zipper and think, finally. To have him inside again will be bliss, and I can't fucking wait.

My shirt is hitched higher and I feel his cool hands skimming down to the outside of my thighs then between, fingernails raking along and causing goosebumps to pop up along my skin. Suddenly he's rubbing along my folds and the slick sound of my arousal seems loud in my ears.

"So wet--already so wet for me, my sweet." He groans as I feel him messing with the button on his trousers. They fall away and his cool skin is against mine, pressing close to me. His cock rubs against me and I jolt, the head of his dick slicking past my clit with a hard bump as the full length of him slides between my legs, making every inch of my body ache like never before. It's almost visceral, and I stifle a whimper as the blunt head of his massive shaft strains at my opening.

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