#7: The moon

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(Taehyun's POV)

I was reminded of a meme. At that moment, I knew that I fucked up. 

I couldn't look him in the eyes. It's far too early to reveal everything to him, far too early; I'm not even sure of my feelings yet, let alone if he feels the same.

I hastily denied everything and went back to hide in my room. It's cowardly but it's the best way my proud soul can take. It's too much for one night, finding out your friend likes you and almost telling your crush. Definitely too much. 

Sitting down on my bed, I sighed. Everything was going out of control, my feelings included. It's spiraling down to the point where I'd think of Gyu and smile, see him and blush, accidentally touch him and my ears burn. I was foolish to think I could keep my silly little crush in check. I mean, who can resist Choi Beomgyu? 

It was a windy night and my window isn't closed properly, but I didn't bother to close it. My comfy bed is like a magnet sucking me in, away from this freshly shattered world. I caught a glimpse of myself and laughed softly. I look like a wreck; I have dark circles under my eyes and my face is sullen and caving in. 

I pulled my blanket closer to me. It's chilly but I don't want to get up, because I already found a comfy position, but I can't go to sleep if it's this cold. I groaned and got up, ignoring the tightening knot in my stomach. Every thought of Choi Beomgyu and it's getting bigger and bigger, almost choking me. I walked softly to the window, then stopped. 

Someone's singing, and the pure heavenliness and bliss overwhelmed me almost instantly. There's guitar too, strumming lightly to the music. I sat down, back facing the wall with the window above me, and held my breath, not wanting to disturb the person that's singing. 

Suddenly the singing stopped, and Beomgyu's head appeared through his window. His eyes were puffy and he looked disturbed, if not sad. " You can't sleep too?" a voice said, then I realized it was me who talked. Gyu jumped a little but then let out a small laugh. " Yeah," he said. " You heard all that?"

"You sing really well," I said. It was a starless night and the moon shone brightly, bathing everything with its soft glow. And for a sudden, I felt calm; I felt like I could just sit here, with Beomgyu, forever. "I practiced," he said after a wordless pause. I nodded. 

No more words were exchanged as we looked at the sky together. It was getting early but it still remained a dark blue. Soft snores came from the other room, and I smiled. 

The next day I woke up and immediately felt wrong. It was too bright for seven o'clock. I rubbed my eyes and checked my phone. Then I rubbed my eyes again after seeing the time. It can't be nine already......

I rushed to the bathroom and quickly grabbed my toothbrush, rushing out with it in my mouth, and tried to put on the uniform. Some toothpaste got on my shirt but it's fine. I rushed to the table and stuffed my wallet into my bag and suddenly stopped. 

Gyu was sitting on our shared sofa. His shoulders rose and fell softly like he's asleep. I hate to disturb him, looking like an angel that fell from heaven, but we're going to be late, so I gently shook him. 

He woke up with a start and rubbed his eyes. " We're going to be late, it's nine already," " Tae," he said with a little giggle, "It's Saturday."


So hey everyone, it's Sunday again and I updated this! It's sort of a filler chapter so wait for next week. By the way, I just decided that there will be no smut in this story. There are two reasons: One, I'm underage; two, Gyu and Tae are high school students in this story, so it's kind of weird to write smut. 

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