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[ alejandro house;) ]

"THIS IS WRONG" the girl said getting off alejandros lap, she had just been making out with him. it started because he called the girl saying how sorry he was about her situation and he wanted to make her feel happy.

"sammy we were having a good time just relax, ok?" alejandro whispered, he had been liking sammy since social bash, and finally had the chance to be with her.

"fuck" sammy said, she jumped back into alejandros lap and kept making out with him, alejandro smiled and took a picture uploading it to his spam to make the bot jealous.


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arosario69 watermelon sugar @sammy.side.up

sammy.side.up your a good kisser
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hirokaiysen what-
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not.hailey yes
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polybioh haha

tiktokroom enjoy it love birds

caitlinn finally she isn't gonna try to get with my man

quick update

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