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[ ice cream shop ]

"I THINK YOUR SCARED" sammy spoke, mattia nodded and laughed about what she had said, "am being honest." sammy explained. "scared of what exactly" he laughed again.

"of loosing someone. i don't know who, but someone that makes you feel complete, and you keep messing up but trying your best deep inside" she smiled, mattia thought about it. if he was being honest he was scared of loosing someone, yeah. but who.

the next day at school, he looked around his lunch table, staring at everyone. everyone seemed ok but not important. once sammy arrived mattia felt complete. and that's when he found out the girl was that someone. "hello guys!" she greeted sitting down placing her food on the table, she sat besides mattia and spent the rest of the day laughing with him. mattia was complete, and most importantly happy.

"sammy." he stared at the sky, the girl turned her head to him, they were laying in the grass. "yeah?" she responded, he stayed silent staring at the sky. he sighed softly.

"i think your that somebody"

sorry for not updating <3

𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 , m.p.Where stories live. Discover now