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mattia had been gone for 4 months, the group had given up about his disappearance. but something didn't sit right with sammy. she wasn't over the whole thing just happening out of the sudden.

she never told the group but a week before mattia was gone he was weird around her, like if he knew this was gonna happen. the girl thought about it, she concentrated as someone tapped her shoulder "you alive?" mariano laughed, "huh? oh yeah" she laughed. she ate her salad and payed attention to the group convos.

"well wherever mattia is i know he's okay" alejandro shrugged. roshaun sighed "are you fucking stupid stop talking about it you fucking monkey."

kairi laughed outloud and got slapped on the neck by alejandro.

"the whole thing is just weird." sammy spoke as she looked towards her shoes. "it's time to get over it sammy." robert talked with honesty. "it hurted all of us whenever you couldn't even wake up over the subject." he smiled softly. "we're okay. and so is he"

"yeah..it's just weird, doesn't seem like something mattia would do." she talked as mariano hugged her, the girl stared into his green eyes and smiled.

"we're gonna be okay."


𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 , m.p.Where stories live. Discover now