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"hey sammy wanna maybe go to the movies today?" mariano asked her, the girl nodded "who else is comming?" she asked, "well i was thinking just us.." he smiled.

"movies sounds good today! what movie?" mattia smirked, sammy rolled her eyes "your not invited"

mattia laughed "come on bae calm down" mattia joked, alejandro slapped him harshly on the neck, "for you to shut the fuck up polibio" roshaun winked at him, mattia smirked and kept eating "mattia can u go missing again or some because i don't like this new life with you in it" sammy joked.

"whatever, but i do wanna eat something now so" he said and he stood up and walked away.

the group stared at him, "can someone kidnap him for real this time" kairi joked, alejandro laughed.

sammy held hands with mariano, they walked towards the cinema entrance together and the rest was behind them "why do they have to hold hands everywhere" mattia spoke, "jealous?" roshaun asked, "no shit, i left but that doesn't mean i stopped liking her.. i even fucked over 20 girls just to get over her" mattia laughed, "so funny" robert said as he slapped mattia on the back, "yo mattia shut yo ass up" roshaun frowned as he opened the door, "exactly"

"hey we wanna watch..hmm.. what do you guys wanna watch?" mariano asked "pick whatever little boy" mattia spoke up, sammy looked at him with a death stare and rolled her eyes.

"hey it's okay" mariano whispered to sammy, "okay a scary movie?" mariano continued.

they walked into the movie room (no fucking idea how it's called babes) and sat down, mariano got a seat far away from them to spend time with sammy by themselves, as the movie started mattia payed more attention to sammy and mariano than the movie, he stared at them as he catched them making out. without thinking he started screaming loudly.

the whole room went quite, people stared at him and other laughed.

"sorry i have to pee"

he then ran out


𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 , m.p.Where stories live. Discover now