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[ new jersey ]

"LOOK CAITLIN" mattia exclaimed annoyed by her touch, "your just not made for sex honestly"

mattia removed caitlins hand off his shoulder and walked off to class, once he arrived he saw sammy sitting at his table. "sammy!" he shouted, the whole class turned to him then after a couple of seconds later turned back.

"what mattia" the girl rolled her eyes, still looking at her work, "come on don't be so negative!" mattia laughed.

the girl fake laughed then ignored him, making mattia mad. "for real sammy?" he spoke, sammy frowned in confusion. "your still mad that i dated caitlin?"

she shook her head in sign of 'no' then kept working, he laughed in disappointment.

"am in love with alejandro, mattia" she stated making mattia furious. he sweared he was over sammy, but the thought of her being with someone else made him furious.

"no your not, don't lie" he tried to convince her, "yeah i am" she fake smiled, "your in love with me"

sammy looked up in shock and bursted our laughing, "you sure about that?" she spoke in her laughs.

he nodded and smiled, he liked seeing her smile it brightened up his day. and made him happy.

forgot to write yesterday
and i was rlly tired<3
my apologies

𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 , m.p.Where stories live. Discover now