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[ new jersey ]

"NO MATTIA" she laughed, she took what he said as a joke and bursted our laughing, the boy just stared at her with a smile on his face. as she sat up the boy did too, "am sorry" he fast it pulled the girl into a kiss which she didn't deny, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed back.

"that was good" mattia laughed, the girl rolled her her eyes playfully and then laughed with him. "so does this mean we're dating..?" he wondered, "no" she smiled. "damn ok"

she stood up and walked to her bike turning around, "your comming?" she asked, mattia nodded and stood up walking towards her. they rode the bike together and stayed at sammys place watching movie and just doing friends stuff, mattia tried to take it to another level but the girl didn't seem too interested, "this is boring" mattia sighed, sammy spoke right after him "shut up"

keep on forgetting to post!
pls comment ideas for the ending
i'll pick my fav and shout you out!!

updating in a few hours))

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