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the girl got on top of mattia, slowly opening his shirt button by button "can you hurry? i have to go to tonight's party in an hour" mattia sniffed, "i'm trying but your fucking shirt wont open" she frowned, mattia ripped the shirt apart, he also took his pants off "look just suck my dick" he sighed.

he took off his black boxer, the girl smiled as she saw his dick get harder and harder "yeah quit looking and start" he demanded, the girl started licking the tip in circular motions, he held himself on the bed frame and groaned a little, sometimes a little moan would come out of his mouth.

"fuck-" he moaned, the girl choked herself trying her best, mattia stared at her face and imagined sammy face, he stood up quickly scared by what he just saw "what the fuck oh god" he sighed, "what?" she frowned, "i gotta get dressed up, put your shirt on and leave" he said as he locked himself in the bathroom, he washed his face and stared at himself in the mirror.

"what is happening-" he breathed heavily, he looked to his side spotting the perfume sammy had left before he disappeared, he sprayed some on the bathroom and sniffed multiple times.

"fuck sammy what have you done to me" he laughed thinking of the girl.

sammy stepped into the party with a silver glittery dress, her curves showed from a mile away.

as soon as she opened the door every one stared and smiled at her, mariano pushed away a guy and went directly to his girl "you look so fucking hot" mariano bited his lips, "shut up" the girl joked, she giggled and walked.

the girl served a drink for her and marino, she handed him the drink "i have to pee" she laughed, he nodded and put his hand over the cup.

sammy walked up the stairs struggling by her heels, she tripped a little but kept walking up the stairs.

once she finally made it into the bathroom she spotted mattia holding the girl from earlier but he waist, mattia waved and kept talking to whoever he was with.

she shoved it off and walked inside, she sighed look at herself in the mirror and started to pee. "fuck my head hurts" she groaned.

i'll updated today too,,
i just have a 'writer block'

𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 , m.p.Where stories live. Discover now