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this is a prequel to serendipity, which has already been published.
if you wish to read serendipity before, or have come across my books once they're both uploaded, and read serendipity before, this book will still makes sense as i wrote it after serendipity .
either way works :) enjoy!!!!

tw. mentions suicide

The best part of adoption was changing your name.

I hadn't been adopted yet, but I knew what I would change it to. Elijah.

No more Katy. No more she and her. No more dresses and ballet pumps that they kept buying me.

He and him. Elijah. Jeans and football tops, video games, boy friends. The complete opposite of my now.

Only, I couldn't be Elijah. Those at school who paid enough attention to see I was Elijah, had bullied me. In the group homes, I was picked on. I'd even lost out on an adoption because I was Elijah.

And they wanted a Katy.

Everyone wanted a fucking Katy.

I fidgeted uncomfortably in the car as we drove to my new home, far away from anywhere I'd been before. I was 14, but everyone wanted the little kids, so it was a miracle I'd even been put in a home.

But again, they were probably expecting a sweet girl who would braid her hair and do her makeup whilst dancing to her favourite singer. Instead, they'd get me.

A tired, sad teenager, who'd tried to end their life twice and certainly couldn't braid his hair because he'd cut it all off, and it looked so ugly that he hid it in his beanie unless he was showering.

The package deal, really.

I'd also decided I was only going to say four words, just to make sure I didn't let myself become vulnerable before I was sent back.

Mum. Dad. Yes. No.

And perhaps, okay.

"Michael and Crystal are good people. They're giving you a chance despite your reputation,"

Reputation. That wasn't how I'd phrase it, but what could you do?

Sure, my grades were shit, and I struggled to fit into a family, but I didn't feel comfortable with myself so I found it hard to become comfortable with others.

"I'm hoping you stay here, Katy,"

We parked up outside a large house, and the door opened immediately, a man approaching the car. The social worker got out and shook his hand, then he got my bag out the boot.

"Katy, come and meet them,"

Reluctantly, I opened the car door and walked round, my dress blowing in the wind. If I was nice, maybe they'd adopt me quickly, and then I could tell them and they'd have to keep me.

Unless they hurt me, and then I was forced to stay in a horrible house.

I'd come into foster care because my parents neglected me, then when I went to live with my grandparents, they did too. My dad's side of the family hadn't been very involved, but his parents had reached out to me recently. They weren't going to look after me because they were so old, but I guess it reminded me that somewhere out there, someone cared.

"You can head inside sweetheart, I'm sure it's cold in that,"

I trudged towards the front door and went inside, a little girl immediately bouncing up at my legs.

"Big sister! Big sister! Big sister!"

"Lauren, careful,"

An elder boy picked her up and put her on his hip, then put this arm around my shoulder and hugged me.

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