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"Well I think these will have to go on our fridge!" I said, looking at the twin's paintings, "Leave them to dry and wash your hands,"

"What if I don't? How do you hurt?"

"We don't hurt," I said, gently cupping Caneron's cheek, "We are gentle, and playful, and never violent,"

"Not even small hurt?"

"No hurt in this house, no. If you hurt someone then we will be upset,"

Nodding, he scurried off to catch up with Payton, Elijah still working on his. He'd taped up the canvas to split it into different triangles , and was painting each individual one, seeming to enjoy himself.

I admired how strong he was being today, and how great of a role model he was. These kids hadn't trusted us at all, and he was slowly helping them with that without being pushy. Plus, his stomach would be in absolute knots about tomorrow.

"Mummy, I need a wee,"

"Lets go to the bathroom then,"

"Cameron, do you?"

"I had one," he mumbled, "In my new pants,"

"Well that's okay, but tell me next time okay? Let's get you a new pair,"

I picked him up and took him to his room, shimmying his trousers off as well as the nappy pants we'd got. He stepped into the new pair and I put his trousers back on, hugging him when he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Am I bad?"

"You're not bad, but when you need the toilet then you have to go,"

"Okay, I will,"

"Good job, do you want to go and have a look at our films? I'm sure Payton will help, then you two can watch it while we cook tea,"


Adorably, he shuffled downstairs on his bum, then I showed him the film cupboard and he waited patiently for Payton.

"Has he not picked it up as well?" Crystal whispered.

"No, but he's trying bless him,"

"I think they're settling in at a good pace,"

"Me too, definitely,"

"Hopefully they love it here as much as we do,"

I chuckled and kissed her, then we grabbed bits for tea and started cooking. When they ran through with a film, I put it in the xbox and played for them, then returned to the kitchen to carry on cooking. It felt like a normal night, which was a good sign.

"Do you think they'll be alright to stay with your mum and dad while we take Elijah,"

"Yeah, my dad will find something to distract them with,"

"I'm not used to having three kids again,"

"Things change so fast, don't they,"

"Sadly. You're the only constant thing in my life," she said, "I love you for that,"

"I love you too,"

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