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"How come Katy hasn't come down yet?" I asked, "Is she okay?"

"Yeah," Jasper said, munching on doritos despite only eating about an hour ago.

"Good. You are being such a great big brother,"

"Yeah, we're becoming really close- it's nice. It's like having a friend from school but at home,"

"I bet she's loving it. You're probably the first person to include her in football and video games, at least by the sound of things,"

He leant into my side and I kissed his head, smiling to myself; Jasper was the first elder son I'd had, and it was really refreshing to go through the process and help him recover. Some parts reminded me of my teenage years, like when he tried to learn how to skate, or crushed on girls, and other parts let me learn how to be a better parent.

"Just... be patient," he said, "It's so hard to come into a new home,"

"Do you have any tips?"

"Not really, each person is different,"

"True, true. Am I doing okay at this though?"

"You're great, I love you dad,"

Softly, I kissed his head, patting my lap as Lauren entered the room with a cookie.

"The pair of you, snacking away!"

Giggling, she climbed onto my lap and curled up, watching the tv. Crystal came downstairs and sat the other side of Jasper, then all of us sat quietly apart from Katy. Well, as quiet as Lauren could be, and she did fidget a lot until I let her off to play with her toys, but she tried.

I was glad Katy was resting, and being introduced to the family in a gradual way.

Lauren got bored and ended up colouring, so I joined her and we made a masterpiece that ended up on the fridge, as it should.

"Dad, lunch please,"

"What would you like?"

"Tuna and sweetcorn sandwich,"

"Okie dokie, go and sit on the sofa and I will bring it,"

I got the bread out and cut the crusts off, making her sandwich. On the side I put tomatoes and peppers, then took it to her and she thanked me excitedly.

Crystal got her and Jasper lunch while I made mine and Katy's, taking it up to her. My heart broke to see her bundled up in her duvet and beanie, snoring gently. I shook her awake a bit and she yawned, looking at me.

"Here is lunch, are you and mum watching a film after this?"



I sat on her bed to give her company as she ate, but she didn't speak to me until I spoke to her.

"So, how do you feel about school?"

"Not great,"

"I'm sorry about that,"

"It's never been good,"

"Hopefully you'll enjoy it here! Jasper loves it,"

"I don't know," she shrugged, "It freaks me out because I get bullied,"

"If that ever happens then you tell us. It's better to tell an adult, always,"


"School is a bit of a difficult thing sometimes, which is why the way we do things often changes. Mum will drive you there and pick you up, so no school buses, and we make you a lunch so you have some nice food,"

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