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I woke up to two tiny knocks, and opened the door to find Payton and Cameron stood huddled together.

"Good morning," I said, crouching down, "What's up?"

"Please can we hide in here?"

"Are you playing hide and seek?" I smiled, it dropping when they shook their head, "Why are you hiding?"

"Just incase,"

"Why don't we sit on my bed instead and wait for mummy and daddy. They're so kind to everyone,"

Hurriedly , they stumbled inside and climbed onto my bed, pulling the duvet up to their chins; I sat on the end and tucked my legs up.

"Are you a brother?" Payton asked.


"Okay, I forgot what that means,"

"It means we have the same parents, and that I'm a boy,"


"Elijah, is the food nice?" Cameron said.

"The food is lovely,"

"I'm scared,"

"I was scared when I came too, and I had lots of secrets, and lots of worry, but I told them all to mummy and daddy, and they made it better,"

"Like what?"

"Well I was worried because I can't read very well, but they got me a teacher to help,"

"I can't read,"

"You'll learn at school, I'm supposed to have learnt already,"

Cameron crawled onto my lap and I held him tightly, like Jasper had reassured me; he would be reflected in all my actions. I knew that if I was like him, I'd be a good brother.

"Why don't we take mummy and daddy a drink up? And say goodmorning,"

"You go,"

"Come with me,"

I boiled the kettle and made a tea and coffee, then headed upstairs and waited at the top. Soon enough, they both scurried up and trailed behind me.

I knocked with my foot and dad was quick to open the door, taking the drinks with a smile.

"Well this is a lovely treat,"

"Cameron and Payton helped," I said, "So we can start our fun day,"

Mum sat up and I cuddled her, which prompted Payton to climb onto the bed and hug her as well. Cameron edged into the room and dad held out his arms, then he gave in and accepted the cuddle.

"Would you guys like a special mcdonalds breakfast for your first day here?" mum asked.

"What is mcdonalds?"

"You'll see. Elijah, wanna come?"

I nodded and went back downstairs, slipping my shoes on to go in the car. Upstairs, I heard tiny giggles, and mum came down with a smile.

"They came to your room huh?"


"They trust you then, you're a good big brother,"

We got in the car and she put the radio on, the roads pretty clear. It was early, but I supposed now that we had toddlers it would be that way. Lauren and Jasper had been early risers together- in fact, everyone but I was.

"We still love you, you know?"


"And we think you're amazing, and are so proud that you have been- and are continuing to be- so brave. I hope tonight you can speak to your therapist and perhaps figure a few more things out, ay?"

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